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单词 field 1
释义 [/fiːld; fild/] n

1 area of land (usu enclosed by a fence, hedge, etc) used for pasturing animals or cultivating crops 田; 地; 牧场:
working in the fields 在田间干活 *
a fine field of wheat 一片好麦田.

2 (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) (a) wide area or expanse 辽阔的地方; 原野; 旷野:
an `ice-field, eg around the North Pole.
(b) open space used for a specified purpose (作某用途的)场地, 场所:
a `baseball, `cricket, etc field.

3 (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) area from which minerals, etc are obtained 矿区; 产地:
`coalfields *
`gold-fields *
a new `oilfield.

4 range of a subject, an activity or an interest (某种学科、 活动或兴趣的)领域, 范围, 界:
in the field of politics, art, science, music, etc 在政治、 艺术、 科学、 音乐等领域 *
That is outside my field, ie not among the subjects I have studied. 那不在我所研究的范围之内.

5 (a) area or space within which a specified force can be felt 场(存在某种力的效应的范围或空间):
a magnetic `field 磁场 *
the earth's gravitational `field, ie the space in which the earth's gravity has an effect 地球引力场.
(b) range over which sth can operate effectively 某物的有效作用范围:
the field of a telescope 望远镜的视野 *
one's field of vision, ie the area that one can see 视野 *
a gun with a good field of fire 远射程的炮.

6 area or place where a battle is or was fought 战场:
the field of battle/`battlefield 战场.

7 (sport 体) (a) all those taking part or competing in an event (比赛项目的)全体参赛者:
The field includes three world record holders. 参赛者中包括三名世界记录保持者.
(b) (in cricket and baseball) team that is not batting, with regard to their positions on the field (板球和棒球)守队:
bowling to a defensive field 向守队投球.

8 (computing 计) one section of a record, representing a unit of information 字段; 信息组:
The firm's payroll has one field for gross pay and one for net pay. 公司工资单上一部分是原工资, 一部分是实发工资.

9 (idm 习语) hold the field (against sb/sth) not be replaced (by sb/sth); remain dominant 不为(某人[某事物])所替代; 保持优势:
Einstein's ideas on physics have held the field for years. 爱因斯坦的物理学理论多年来一直保持其权威性. play the `field (infml esp US) avoid committing oneself to one person, activity, etc 不对某一人做出承诺; 不承诺参加某一活动等. take the `field (a) begin a war or battle 开始作战; 上阵.
(b) (sport 体) go onto the playing area 开始比赛; 上场. field 2
[/fiːld; fild/] v (a) [I, Tn] (in cricket and baseball) (stand ready to) catch and throw back (the ball) (板球和棒球)(准备)接或掷还(球), 守(球):
He fields well. 他接球技术很好. *
She fielded the ball. 她把球接住了.
(b) [I] (in cricket and baseball) be (in) the team not batting (板球和棒球)任守方:
We're fielding first. 我们先作守方.
(C) [Tn] select (sb) to play in a game (of football, hockey, cricket, etc) (足球、 曲棍球、 板球等赛中)选派(某人)上场:
They're fielding a very strong side this season. 他们本季派了一支很强的球队上场.
(d) [Tn] (fig 比喻) deal successfully with (a series of questions, etc) 顺利处理(一系列问题):
The minister easily fielded all the journalist's awkward questions. 部长轻而易举地一一回答了记者提出的棘手问题.





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