[/ˈfɪnɪʃt; ˋfɪnɪʃt/] adj 用法: 1 [pred 作表语] ~ (with sb/sth) (infml) in a state of having completed sth or no longer dealing with sb/sth 完成某事物; 不再与某人[某事物]有联系: I won't be finished for another hour. 我还有一个小时才能完事. * I'm not finished with you yet. 我和你还有事未完. * She decided she was finished with working for others. 她决定不再为别人做事. 用法: 2 [pred 作表语] no longer effective; ruined 不再有效; 毁灭了: The scandal means he's finished in politics. 这一丑闻意味著他在政治上已身败名裂. * Everything is finished between her and him. 她和他已一刀两断了. 用法: 3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] made; completed 制造好的; 完成的: the finished product, article, etc 制成品、 物件等. |