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单词 fixed
释义 [/fɪkst; fɪkst/] adj

1 already arranged and decided; not changing; set 已决定的; 确定不变的; 固定的:
fixed prices 固定的价格 *
a fixed rate of interest 固定的利率.

2 (of ideas, wishes, etc) held firmly and sometimes obsessively (指想法、 愿望等)坚定的, 执著的, 固执的:
He had the fixed idea that a woman's place was in the home. 他有个成见, 认为女人的天地是在家里.

3 [attrib 作定语] (of an expression on sb's face) not changing; intent (指表情)不变的, 专注的:
a fixed smile, glare, stare, etc 呆板的微笑、 眼睛一动不动的怒视、 目不转睛的注视.

4 [pred 作表语] ~ for sth (infml) provided or supplied with sth 供给或供应某物:
How are you fixed for money, food, time, etc? 你的钱、 食物、 时间等是怎麽来的?

5 (idm 习语) (of) ,no fixed a`bode/ad`dress (law 律) (having) no permanent place to live in 无固定住所[住址](的):
Lovejoy, of no fixed abode, was charged with murder. 洛夫乔伊, 居无定所, 被控谋杀. fixedly[/ˈfɪksɪdlɪ; ˋfɪksɪdlɪ/] adv without altering one's gaze; intently 目不转睛地; 专注地:
stare fixedly at sb 目不转睛地注视某人. fixed `assets permanent business assets, eg buildings and equipment 固定资产(如建筑物和设备). Cf 参看 current assets (current1). fixed `costs business costs that do not vary with the amount of work produced 固定成本(不随产量变化而变动的企业成本). ,fixed `star star so far from the earth that it seems to have no movement 恒星.





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