[/ˈfliːt striːt; ˋflitˏstrit/] 用法: 1 street in central London where several major newspapers have their offices 弗利特街(伦敦中心的街道, 为几家大报馆所在地, 旧译舰队街). 用法: 2 the press in general; London journalism 新闻界; 伦敦报界: Fleet Street loves a good scandal. 新闻界热衷於轰动性的丑闻. Fleet Street 2 [/ˈfliːt striːt; ˋflitˏstrit/] 用法: 1 street in central London where several major newspapers have their offices 弗利特街(伦敦中心的街道, 为几家大报馆所在地, 旧译舰队街). 用法: 2 the press in general; London journalism 新闻界; 伦敦报界: Fleet Street loves a good scandal. 新闻界热衷於轰动性的丑闻. |