释义 |
[/ˈfluːənt; ˋfluənt/] adj 用法: 1 (of a person) able to speak or write a language or perform an action smoothly, accurately and with ease (指人)语言流利的, 文字流畅的, 动作准确、 轻松的: a fluent speaker (of Spanish) (西班牙语)说得流利的人 * be fluent in speech 讲话流利. 用法: 2 (of speech, a language or an action) expressed in a smooth and accurate way (指言语、 语言)流利而通顺的; (指动作)灵活而准确的: speak/write fluent Russian 说[写]流利的俄语 * fluent movements, ie ones that are flowing and graceful 协调优美的动作. |