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单词 fob 1
释义 [/fɔb; fɑb/] n

1 chain or ribbon to which a pocket-watch is attached (怀表的)链或带.

2 ornament, esp a watch, hung from such a chain 怀表链上的饰物(尤指表).

3 ornament attached to a key-ring 钥匙环上的饰物. fob 2
[/fɔb; fɑb/] v (-bb-) (phr v) fob sb off (with sth) trick sb into being satisfied (with sth inferior, an excuse, etc) (用低劣的东西、 用藉口等)哄骗或搪塞某人:
I won't be fobbed off this time I'm determined to say what I think. 这次我可不上当了--我一定要把想法说出来. *
You can't fob an expert off with cheap imitations. 用廉价的仿制品骗不了行家. fob sth off on/onto sb trick or deceive sb into buying or accepting sth inferior 哄骗某人购买或接受低劣的东西:
Don't try fobbing off last year's goods on me! 别想拿去年的陈货来骗我! fob 3
[/ˏef əu ˈbiː; ˏɛf o ˋbi/] abbr 缩写 = (commerce 商) (of cargo) free on board (ie transported to the ship and loaded without the buyer paying extra) (指货物)船上交货价, 离岸价格.





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