[/ˈfəulɪəu; ˋfolɪˏo/] n (pl ~s) 用法: 1 (a) [C] large sheet of paper folded once, making two leaves or four pages of a book 对摺纸; 对开纸. (b) [C] book made of sheets folded in this way 对开本的书: We have several early folios for sale. 我们有几本早期的对开本书出售. (C) [U] largest size and format for a book 书的最大开本: drawings published in folio 以对开纸出版的画 * [attrib 作定语] a folio volume 一册对开本的书. 用法: 2 [C] (a) sheet of paper numbered on one side only 只在一面有页码的纸. (b) page number of a book 书的页码. |