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单词 forget
释义 [/fəˈget; fɚˋɡɛt/] v (pt forgot [/fəˈgɔt; fɚˋgɑt/], pp forgotten [/fəˈgɔtn; fɚˋɡɑtn/])

1 [Ipr, Tn, Tf, Tw, Tg] ~ about sth (not used in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) fail to remember or recall (sth); lose the memory of (sth) 忘记(某事物); 遗忘:
He forgot (about) her birthday, ie did not remember it at the proper time. 他把她的生日忘了. *
I've forgotten her name. 我把她的名字忘了. *
Did you forget (that) I was coming? 难道你忘了我要来吗? *
She forgot how the puzzle fitted together. 她忘了那个拼图是怎麽拼在一起的. *
I'll never forget seeing my daughter dance in public for the first time. 我永远忘不了看著我女儿第一次当众跳舞的情景.

(a) [I, Tt] fail to remember to do sth; neglect 忘记(做某事); 忽视:
`Why didn't you buy any bread?' `Sorry, I forgot.' `你怎麽没买面包呢?'`真抱歉, 我忘了.' *
Don't forget to feed the cat. 别忘了喂猫. *
He forgot to pay me. 他忘了付给我钱.
(b) [Tn] fail to remember to bring, buy, etc (sth) or take care of (sth) 忘记带、 购买、 照料等(某事物):
I forgot my umbrella. 我忘带伞了. *
Don't forget the waiter, ie give him a tip. 别忘了给服务员小费.

3 [Ipr, Tn, Tf] ~ (about) sb/sth stop thinking about sb/sth; not think about sb/sth; put sb/sth out of one's mind 忘掉或不再想某人[某事物]; 不把某人[某事物]放在心上:
Let's forget (about) our differences. 咱们不要把彼此的分歧放在心上. *
Try to forget (all) about him. 别再想他了. *
You can forget about a holiday this year I've lost my job. 你别再想今年去度假的事了--我失业了. *
`How much do I owe you?' `Forget it!', ie Don't bother to pay me back. `我欠你多少钱?'`算了吧!' *
The shop will accept cheques and credit cards, not forgetting (ie and also) cash, of course. 这个商店可用支票和信用卡付帐, 当然也收现金. *
I was forgetting (that) David used to teach you. 我几乎忘了大卫以前经常教你.

4 [Tn] ~ oneself (a) behave without proper dignity 忘乎所以:
I'm afraid I forgot myself and kissed him wildly. 当时我有些忘乎所以, 疯狂地吻著他.
(b) act unselfishly 忘我; 无私:
Forget yourself and think of someone else for a change. 别光想著你自己, 你也为别人想一次.

5 (idm 习语) elephants never forget => elephant. forgive and forget => forgive.





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