释义 |
[/ˈfɔːtɪfaɪ; ˋfɔrtəˏfaɪ/] v (pt, pp -fied) 用法: 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (against sth) (a) strengthen (a place) against attack, by building walls, etc 防卫(某地)(筑围墙等): fortify a town against invasion 加强防卫一城镇以抵御敌人入侵 * a fortified city 设防的城市. (b) support or strengthen (sb) physically or morally (在物质或道义上)支持(某人): Fortified against the cold by a heavy coat, he went out into the snow. 他穿上御寒的大衣冒雪外出. * fortify oneself by prayer and meditation 通过祈祷和冥想增强自己的信念. 用法: 2 [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] increase the nutritional value of (a variety of food) by adding vitamins (添加维生素)增加(食物的)营养价值: cereal fortified with extra vitamins 强化营养麦片. |