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单词 forward 1
释义 [/ˈfɔːwəd; ˋfɔrwɚd/] adj

1 [attrib 作定语] (a) directed or moving towards the front 向前方的; 向前进的:
forward movement 向前运动.
(b) situated in front; near or at the front 位於前面的; 接近或在前面的:
forward ranks of troops 军队队列的前几排 *
The forward part of the train is for first-class passengers only. 火车的前部只是头等车厢.

2 (of plants, crops, etc) having progressed more than is normal or expected; (of children) having developed certain abilities earlier than normal; well advanced (指花草、 农作物等)早熟的; (指儿童)发育早的; 早熟的:
The summer crops were forward this year. 今年夏季农作物成熟得早. *
a forward child 早熟的孩子.

3 [attrib 作定语] of or relating to the future 未来的; 与未来有关的:
forward planning 对未来的计画 *
(commerce 商) forward buying, ie buying goods at present prices for delivery later 预购. =>Usage at forward2 用法见forward2.

4 (a) ready and willing to be involved; eager 热心参与的; 急切的:
be forward in helping others 热心助人的.
(b) too eager; too bold in one's manner; presumptuous 过於急切的; (行为)过於大胆的; 冒昧的; 孟浪的; 莽撞的:
a forward young girl 冒失的女孩子 *
I hope you'll apologize that was a very forward thing to do. 我希望你能道歉--那事你做得太莽撞了. Cf 参看 backward. forward 2
[/ˈfɔːwəd; ˋfɔrwɚd/] adv

1 (also forwards) towards the front or end, into a prominent position 向前或向末端(到达一突出位置):
Move forward carefully or you'll slip. 小心地往前走, 不然会滑倒. *
play a tape-recording forwards, not backwards 将录音带向前转, 别向後倒 *
push one's way forward 挤著往前走. Cf 参看 back3 1.

2 onward so as to make progress 向前; 前进:
an important step forward 向前迈进的重要一步 *
We are not getting any further forward with the project. 我们目前在该计画上没有什麽进展. *
The project will go forward as planned. 该工程将按计画进行.

3 towards the future; onwards in time 向著将来; 向著未来:
from this time forward 从此以後 *
Look forward and consider the advantages of a larger house. 从长远著想, 考虑一下大房子的好处.

4 (idm 习语) backward(s) and forward(s) => backwards (backward). put one's best foot forward => best1. put the clock/clocks forward/back => clock1. forward 3
The suffix -ward means `in the direction of' and forms adverbs and adjectives*-ward这一後缀意为`向著某方向', 用以构成副词和形容词:
forward, backward, westward, homeward, etc 向前、 向後、 向西、 向家里等. The suffix -wards has the same meaning but only forms adverbs *-wards与-ward意思相同但只能构成副词:
forwards, backwards, westwards, homewards, etc 向前、 向後、 向西、 向家里等. Compare 试比较:
They turned westward/westwards after crossing the river. 他们过河以後向西拐了. They travelled in a westward direction. 他们往西走了. *
He leant forward/forwards to see better. 他把身子向前探, 以便看得更清楚. To move house requires forward planning. 要搬家得先做好计画. forward 4
[/ˈfɔːwəd; ˋfɔrwɚd/] v

1 (a) [I, Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) send (a letter, etc) to a new address 将(信件等)投递到新地址; 转递:
please forward, ie a note written on an envelope, a parcel, etc 请转递(写在信封、 包裹上的字样) *
Please forward our post (to our new home) when we move. 我们搬家後, 请将邮件转递(到我们的新住处).
(b) [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) send or dispatch (esp goods or information) to a customer (向客户)发送或递送(尤指货物或信息):
forward a shipment of gloves 发送一批手套 *
We have today forwarded you our new catalogue. 我们今天已将新目录发送给你们了.

2 [Tn] help to advance or develop (sth); further 帮助促进或发展(某事物); 增进; 提高:
forward sb's plans, career, interests, etc. 促使完成某人的计画、 发展某人的事业、 提高某人的利益. forward 5
[/ˈfɔːwəd; ˋfɔrwɚd/] n attacking player near the front in football, hockey, etc (足球、 曲棍球等的)前锋. Cf 参看 striker 2.





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