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单词 foul 1
释义 [/faul; faʊl/] adj

1 having a bad smell or taste; dirty and disgusting 难闻的; 有恶味的; 污秽的; 令人厌恶的:
foul stagnant ponds 臭烘烘的死水塘 *
a foul rubbish dump 又脏又臭的垃圾堆 *
This medicine tastes foul! 这药味让人恶心!

(a) unpleasant; dreadful 不愉快的; 可怕的:
`Go away! I've had a foul day at work.' `走开! 我干了一天活儿够受的了.' *
His boss has a foul temper. 他的老板的脾气很坏.
(b) evil or wicked 邪恶的; 罪恶的:
a foul crime 邪恶的罪行.

3 (of language) obscene and offensive; full of swear-words (指语言)猥亵的, 无礼的; 充满脏话的.

4 (of weather) very rainy and windy; stormy or rough (指天气)风雨大作的, 暴风雨的, 恶劣的:
The spring was foul this year it was cold and wet for weeks. 今春天气恶劣--一连几个星期又冷又潮湿.

5 (sport 体) (of an action) against the rules; unfair (指动作)犯规的, 不正当的:
a foul stroke 犯规的一击.

6 (of a chimney, pipe, etc) blocked with waste, etc so that nothing can pass through (指烟囱、 管道等)不通畅的, 阻塞的.

7 (idm 习语) by fair means or foul => fair1.fall foul of sb/sth have a confrontation or disagreement with sb/sth, esp the government or the authorities 与某人[某事物]冲突或不一致(尤指与政府或当局):
The police never caught him in any criminal activity but he eventually fell foul of the tax authorities. 警方从未当场见到他有犯罪活动, 但他最终却与税务局惹上了官非. foul 2
n (sport 体) action that is against the rules of a game (比赛中的)犯规行为:
That last foul (against/on Smith) lost us the match. 最後那次(对史密斯)犯规使我们输了那场比赛. foul 3
[/faul; faʊl/] v

1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) make sth dirty 弄脏某物:
Dogs are not permitted to foul (ie excrete on) the pavement. 禁止狗在人行道上便溺. *
The factories are responsible for fouling up the air for miles around. 这些工厂造成了很大范围的空气污染.

2 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up) (cause sth to) become caught or twisted (in sth) (使某物)缠结; (与某物)缠住:
The ropes have fouled (up). 绳子缠住了. *
My fishing-line got fouled (up) in an old net. 我的钓丝跟旧鱼网缠在一起了.

3 [I, Tn] (sport 体) commit a foul against (another player) (对运动员)犯规:
He fouled the same player again in the second half. 他在下半场对同一运动员再次犯规.

4 (idm 习语) foul one's (own) nest bring disgrace, etc to one's home, family, profession, country, etc (给自己的家庭、 家人、 职业、 国家等)带来耻辱等.

5 (phr v) foul sth up (infml) spoil sth, usu by behaving in a thoughtless or foolish way; mess sth up 弄乱某事物(通常因粗心或愚蠢的行为所致); 搞糟:
Everything was just fine until Fred came along and fouled things up. 本来一切都井井有条, 弗雷德一来就给搞得乱七八糟. *
The weather has really fouled up my holiday plans. 我的假日安排因天气关系已全部打乱了.





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