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单词 fresh 1
释义 [/freʃ; frɛʃ/] adj (-er, -est)

1 (a) [usu attrib 通常作定语] new or different 新的; 不同的:
fresh evidence 新的证据 *
a fresh piece of paper 另一张纸 *
make a fresh start 重新开始 *
fresh problems 新问题 *
a fresh approach (ie one that is original in a lively and attractive way) to the difficulty 解决困难的别开生面的方法.
(b) made, obtained or experienced recently and not changed 新做的; 新得到的; 刚经历的:
fresh tracks in the snow 雪地上的新痕迹 *
Their memories of the wedding are still fresh in their minds. 他们至今对婚礼仍记忆犹新.

(a) (usu of food) newly made, produced, gathered, etc; not stale (通常指食物)新做的, 新出的, 新采的, 新鲜的:
fresh bread, ie just baked 新烤的面包 *
fresh flowers, eggs, milk, etc 新鲜的花、 蛋、 奶等.
(b) (of food) not preserved in tins, with salt or by freezing (指食物)鲜的, 非罐头的, 未加盐的, 未冷冻的:
fresh vegetables, fruit, meat, etc 鲜的蔬菜、 水果、 肉等.

3 (of clothes) not already used or worn; clean (指衣服)未经穿用的, 清洁的:
put on some fresh clothes 穿几件新衣服.

4 (of water) not salty, stale or bitter; not sea water (指水)不咸的, 不腐的, 不苦的, 淡的.

5 (a) (of the air) clean and refreshing; pure (指空气)清洁的, 清新的, 纯净的:
Open the window and let in some fresh air. 打开窗户放进些新鲜空气. *
play in the fresh air, ie outside 在户外玩耍.
(b) (of weather) rather cold and windy; (of the wind) cool and fairly strong (指天气)冷而有风的; (指风)凉飕飕的:
It's a bit fresh this morning, isn't it? 今天早晨有点儿凉丝丝的吧?

6 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (a) (of colours) clear and bright; unfaded (指颜色)鲜明的, 鲜艳的, 未褪色的:
fresh colours in these old prints 旧印刷物上的鲜艳色彩.
(b) (of skin) clear and healthy (指皮肤)白净健康的:
a fresh complexion 气色好的面容.

7 (of paint) just applied (指油漆)刚上的, 未乾的:
Fresh paint please do not touch. 油漆未乾--请勿触摸.

8 [usu pred 通常作表语] having renewed strength; refreshed and ready to tackle work, etc 又有活力; 又精神饱满:
I feel really fresh after my holiday. 我度假之後真觉得又精神饱满了.

9 [pred 作表语] ~ from/out of sth having just come from (a place) or having just had (a particular experience); straight from sth 刚从(某地)来; 刚有过(某一经历); 直接来自某事物:
students fresh from college 刚从学校毕业的学生.

10 [pred 作表语] ~ (with sb) (infml) too forward in behaviour or speech, esp in a sexual manner, with a person of the opposite sex (言行)过於卤莽(尤指对异性), 无礼, 放肆:
He then started to get fresh with me. 他於是对我放肆起来.

11 (idm 习语) break fresh/new ground => ground1. a breath of fresh air => breath. (as) fresh as a `daisy vigorous and lively or attractive, esp in a clean fresh way 生动活泼的, 有吸引力的(尤指以新的方式). new/fresh blood => blood1. fresh 2
adv (idm 习语) fresh out of sth (infml esp US) having just used all one's supplies of sth 刚刚(将储备的某物)用尽:
We're fresh out of eggs. 我们刚把所有的鸡蛋都吃光了.
(forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) newly; just 新近的; 刚刚的:
fresh-baked bread *
fresh-cut flowers.





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