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单词 get at sb
释义 (infml) (a) (usu in the continuous tenses 通常用於进行时态) criticize sb repeatedly; nag sb 不断指责某人; 数落某人:
He's always getting at his wife. 他老 是责怪妻子. *
She feels she's being got at. 她觉得自己一再受人数落.
(b) influence sb, esp unfairly or illegally 对某人施加影响(尤指不公地或不合法地):
One of the witnesses had been got at, eg bribed. 有一证人已被收买. get at sb/sth gain access to sb/sth; reach sb/sth 接近某人[某事物]; 到达某人[某物]处:
The files are locked up and I can't get at them. 卷宗锁起来了, 我无法取出. get at sth (a) learn, discover or find out sth 知悉、 发现或查明(某事物):
The truth is sometimes difficult to get at. 有时真相不易搞清.
(b) (infml) (no passive; used only in the continuous tenses and usu in questions 不用於被动语态, 仅用於进行时态, 通常用於疑问句) suggest sth indirectly; imply sth 意指; 暗指:
What exactly are you getting at? 你究竟指的是什麽意思?




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