[/ˈgɪdɪ; ˋɡɪdɪ/] adj (-ier, -iest) 用法: 1 (a) [usu pred 通常作表语] having the feeling that everything is turning round and that one is going to fall 头晕; 眩晕: I feel giddy; I must sit down. 我觉得头晕, 得坐下来. * have a giddy feeling 有眩晕的感觉 * (fig 比喻) giddy with their first business success 为商业上初次成功而飘飘然. (b) [usu attrib 通常作定语] causing such a feeling 令人眩晕的; 头昏眼花的; 头晕的: travel at a giddy speed 以令人目眩的速度行进 * look down from a giddy height 从令人眩晕的高处俯视 * (fig 比喻) Life then was a succession of giddy triumphs, ie exciting but not stable or lasting. 那时的生活可谓人间得意、 千红万紫, 盛极一时. 用法: 2 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (dated derog 旧, 贬) too fond of excitement and pleasure; not serious 热衷於刺激和欢乐的; 轻浮的; 不严肃的: a giddy girl, who will never settle down to anything serious 永远安不下心来做正经事的轻浮女孩. 用法: 3 [attrib 作定语] (dated 旧) (used to add emphasis to certain exclamations 用以加强某些感叹词语的语气): Oh my giddy aunt! 哦, 我的好姑姑! * That really is the giddy limit! 那真是最大限度了! |