释义 |
[/ˈglɔːrɪəs; ˋɡlɔrɪəs/] adj 用法: 1 having, worthy of or bringing great fame or glory 荣誉的; 光荣的; 显赫的; 荣耀的: a glorious deed, victory, etc 光荣的业绩、 胜利等 * the glorious days, years, reign, etc of Elizabeth I 英国女王伊丽莎白一世光辉的日子、 年代、 朝代等 * die a glorious death, ie esp in battle for one's country 死得光 荣(尤指为国捐躯). 用法: 2 beautiful; splendid; magnificent 美丽的; 灿烂的; 瑰丽的: a glorious day, sunset, view, prospect 美丽的日子、 日落、 景色、 前景 * glorious colours 绚丽的色彩 * It's been really glorious today, ie warm and sunny. 今天真是个风和日丽的好天. 用法: 3 (infml) very pleasant; enjoyable 非常愉快的; 令人快乐的: have a glorious time 过得非常愉快 * What glorious fun! 多麽有趣啊! 用法: 4 [attrib 作定语] (ironic 反语) dreadful 糟糕的; 极度的: a glorious mess, muddle, etc 极度的混乱、 杂乱等. |