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单词 go off
释义 (a) (of an actor) leave the stage (指演员)退场, 下场:
Hamlet goes off stage left. 哈姆雷特从舞台左侧退下.
(b) be fired; explode 开火; 爆炸:
The gun went off by accident. 那枪走火了. *
The bomb went off in a crowded street. 炸弹在熙来攘往的街道上爆炸了.
(C) make a sudden loud noise; be sounded 突然发出巨响; 发出声音:
The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off. 防盗警报器一响, 盗贼立刻逃走了.
(d) (of electric power, a light, etc) stop functioning or operating (指电力)中断; (指电灯等)熄灭:
Suddenly the lights went off. 灯光突然熄灭了. *
The heating goes off at night. 供暖设备在夜间停止运作.
(e) (infml) fall asleep 入睡:
Hasn't the baby gone off yet? 孩子睡著了吗?
(f) become unfit to eat or drink; go bad 变得不适於食用或饮用; 变坏:
This milk has gone off, ie has turned sour. 这牛奶已变质.
(g) become worse in quality; deteriorate 质量变坏; 恶化:
Her books have gone off in recent years. 近年来她写的书质量下降了.
(h) (used with advs or in questions after how 与副词连用或用於疑问句中的how之後) take place or happen in the way specified; go 以某种方式进行或发生:
The performance went off well. 演出很成功. *
How did the concert go off? 音乐会开得如何? go off sb/sth lose interest in sb; lose one's taste for sth 对某人失去兴趣; 对某事物感到乏味:
Jane seems to be going off Peter. 简好像对彼得日趋冷淡. *
I've gone off beer. 我不爱喝啤酒了. go off with sb leave one's husband, wife, lover, etc in order to have a relationship with sb else 离开丈夫、 妻子、 情人等另结新欢:
He went off with his best friend's wife. 他与至友之妻逃之夭夭了. *
She went off with the milkman. 她与送牛奶的人私奔了. go off with sth leave a place with sth that does not belong to one 携非己之物而去:
He went off with 10000 of the company's money. 他拐走公司10000英镑. *
Who's gone off with my pen? 谁把我的钢笔拿走了?




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