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单词 green 1
释义 [/griːn; ɡrin/] adj (-er, -est)

1 of the colour between blue and yellow in the spectrum; of the colour of growing grass, and the leaves of most plants and trees 绿色的; 青色的:
as green as grass 像青草般绿的 *
fresh green peas 鲜嫩的豌豆. =>illus at spectrum 见spectrum插图.

2 covered with grass or other plants 长著青草或其他植物的:
green fields, hills, etc 绿色的田野、 山丘等.

3 (a) (of fruit) not yet ripe (指水果)未成熟的; 生的; 青的:
green bananas 青香蕉 *
apples too green to eat 生得不能吃的苹果.
(b) (of wood) not yet dry enough for use (指木头)未乾燥的, 潮的:
Green wood does not burn well. 潮木头不好烧.
(C) (of tobacco) not dried (指烟草)未乾的.

4 (infml) immature; inexperienced; easily fooled 未成熟的; 无经验的; 易受愚弄的:
a green young novice 无经验的年轻新手 *
You must be green to believe that! 你真幼稚, 竟然相信那个!

5 [usu pred 通常作表语] (of the complexion) pale; sick-looking (指面色)苍白, 带病容:
The passengers turned quite green with sea-sickness. 旅客们由於晕船而脸色发青.

6 [pred 作表语] extremely envious 非常嫉妒:
I was absolutely green (with envy) when I saw his splendid new car. 我看到他那辆漂亮的新汽车就非常眼红.

7 (fig rhet 比喻, 修辞) flourishing; full of vigour; fresh (used esp in the expressions shown) 旺盛的; 精力充沛的; 新鲜的(尤用於下列示例):
live to a green old age 老当益壮 *
keep sb's memory green, ie not allow sb (dead) to be forgotten 对(逝去的)某人永记不忘.

8 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (esp politics 尤用於政治) (favouring the party that is) particularly concerned about protecting the environmentand the plants and animals that grow in it 特别关注保护环境及野生动植物的; 拥护有此主张的党派的:
green politics 主张保护环境的政见.

9 (idm 习语) give sb/get the green `light (infml) give sb/get permission to do sth 准许某人[获准]做某事; 开绿灯. the grass is greener on the other side => grass1. green 2
[/griːn; ɡrin/] n

1 [U, C] green colour 绿色:
the green of the English countryside in spring 春天英国郊野呈现青葱的颜色 *
curtains of bright emerald green 浅翠绿色的帘子 *
a picture in greens and blues, ie with various shades of green and blue 以不同深浅的绿色和蓝色绘成的画.

2 [U] green clothes 绿色的衣服:
a girl dressed in green 穿绿衣的女孩.

3 greens [pl] (a) vegetables with large edible green leaves, eg cabbage, spinach 绿色蔬菜(如洋白菜、 菠菜).
(b) (US) vegetation; greenery 植物; 绿叶; 绿树:
Christmas greens, eg branches of fir and holly for decoration 圣诞节的绿色植物(如供装饰用的枞树和冬青的树枝).

4 [C] area of land with grass growing 草地; 绿地:
the village `green, ie public or common land 公有的或共有的土地 *
a `bowling-green, ie for the game of bowls 草地滚球场.

5 [C] area with grass cut short surrounding a hole on a golf-course 高尔夫球场上球洞周围剪短的草地:
a `putting-green 轻击区 *
the 13th `green 第13轻击区. =>illus at golf 见golf插图.

6 Green [C] (usu pl 通常作复数) member of a green1(8) political party 绿党党员.





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