[/greɪ; ɡre/] adj 用法: 1 (a) of the colour between black and white; coloured like ashes, slate, lead, etc 灰色的; 灰白的: grey eyes, hair, etc 灰色的眼睛、 头发等 * a grey suit 灰色西装. (b) [usu pred 通常作表语] having grey hair 有灰色头发; 有花白头发: She has turned quite grey recently. 她近来头发多已斑白. * I'm going grey. 我的头发开始白了. (C) dull; cloudy 灰暗的; 阴沉的: a grey day 阴沉的一天. 用法: 2 (fig 比喻) (a) depressing; monotonous 郁闷的; 单调乏味的: a grey existence 单调乏味的生活 * Life seemed grey and pointless after she'd gone. 她走後生活显得既单调又无意义. (b) (derog 贬) having no life or attractive features; anonymous 无生气的; 不突出的; 无名的: a government department run by little grey men 由无名之辈掌管的政府部门. grey (also esp US gray) 2 n 用法: 1 [U, C] grey colour 灰色: a suit of dark/light/medium grey 深[浅/中]灰色的西装. 用法: 2 [U] grey clothes 灰色衣服: dressed in grey 身穿灰色衣服. grey (also esp US gray) 3 v [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become grey (使某物)变成灰色: He/His hair has greyed a lot. 他[的]头发多已花白. * He was 50 and greying. 他那时50岁头发就渐白了. * Worry had greyed her hair. 她愁白了头发. |