[/gɑːd; ɡɑrd/] n 用法: 1 [U] state of watchfulness against attack, danger or surprise 警戒; 看守; 守望: a soldier, sentry, etc on guard, ie at his post, on duty 担任警戒的士兵、 哨兵等 * The escaped prisoner was brought back under (close) guard, ie (closely) guarded. 在严密的戒备下将逃犯押回. * policemen keeping guard outside the building 在建筑物外面守备的警察 * [attrib 作定语] guard duty 警卫任务 * a guard dog, ie kept to guard a building, etc 警卫犬. 用法: 2 [U] position of readiness to defend oneself, eg in boxing, fencing, bayonet-drill 防御姿势(如在拳击、 剑术、 劈刺中): drop/keep up one's guard 未作出[保持]防御姿势 * (fig 比喻) an awkward question which got through/penetrated the minister's guard 突破部长防范的尴尬问题. 用法: 3 [C] (a) person (esp a soldier or policeman) who watches over sb or sth 警卫(尤指士兵、 警察): The prisoner slipped past the guards on the gate and escaped. 犯人从大门口的警卫身旁溜过逃走了. * a se`curity guard, ie one responsible for protecting property, a building, its grounds, etc against entry by intruders, burglars, etc 守卫者 * `border guards 边防战士. (b) (esp US) (Brit warder) person who watches over prisoners in gaol 监狱看守. 用法: 4 (a) the guard [Gp] group of soldiers who protect buildings, etc 警卫队: the changing of the guard, ie replacing of one such group by another, eg at Buckingham Palace 换岗(如白金汉宫之更换警卫) * The guard are being inspected today. 警卫队今天要接受检阅. * double the guard (in an emergency), ie have twice the usual number of sentries on duty 派双岗(在紧急情况下派两倍於平时数目的哨兵上岗). (b) [CGp] body of soldiers with the duty of protecting, honouring or escorting sb 卫士队; 仪仗队: On his arrival the president inspected the guard of honour. 总统抵达时, 检阅了仪仗队. 用法: 5 the Guards [pl] (in Britain and some other countries) regiments whose original duty was to protect the sovereign (英国和某些国家的)禁卫军; 警卫部队: the Royal `Horse Guards 禁卫骑兵队 * [attrib 作定语] a Guards officer 禁卫队军官. 用法: 6 [C] (Brit) person in charge of a railway train 列车长. 用法: 7 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) (part of an) article or apparatus designed to prevent injury or loss 保护器; 防护罩; 防卫物: Ensure the guard is in place before operating the machine. 将防护罩确实放好後再开机器. * a `fire-guard, ie in front of a fireplace * a `mudguard, ie over the wheel of a bicycle, etc. 用法: 8 (idm 习语) mount guard => mount. off/on one's `guard unprepared/prepared for an attack, a surprise or a mistake 失去[保持]警惕: be on one's guard against saying the wrong thing 提防说错话 * put sb on his guard 使某人提防 * The lawyer's seemingly innocent question caught the witness off his guard. 那个律师提出的似乎无关痛痒的问题, 把证人问得措手不及. stand `guard (over sb/sth) act as a sentry 站岗; 守卫: Four soldiers stood guard over the coffin. 四个士兵守卫灵柩. |