[/gɪlt; ɡɪlt/] n [U] 用法: 1 (law 律) condition or fact of having done wrong 有罪, 罪状: The police established his guilt beyond all doubt. 警方确凿地认定他有罪. 用法: 2 blame or responsibility for wrongdoing 责任; 罪责: find out where the guilt lies, ie who is to blame 找出罪责之所在(何人之过) * Guilt was written all over her face, ie She was obviously to blame. 她的罪过都写在脸上了(显而易见她有罪). 用法: 3 anxiety or unhappiness caused by the knowledge of having done wrong 不安; 内疚: racked by feelings of guilt because he had not done enough to help his sick friend 因朋友生病未尽力帮助而内疚 * [attrib 作定语] a guilt complex 犯罪情结. |