[/ˈhæbɪt; ˋhæbɪt/] n 用法: 1 (a) [C] thing that a person does often and almost without thinking, esp sth that is hard to stop doing 习惯: He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals. 他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯. * It's all right to borrow money occasionally, but don't let it become a habit. 偶尔借点钱倒没什麽, 只是不要成为一种习惯. (b) [U] usual behaviour 惯常的行为; 习性; 脾性: I only do it out of habit. 我做这事只是出於习惯. 用法: 2 [C] long garment worn by a monk or nun 修道士或修女所穿的长袍. 用法: 3 (idm 习语) be in/fall into/get into the habit of doing sth have/acquire the habit of doing sth 有[养成]做某事的习惯: He's not in the habit of drinking a lot. 他不习惯於多喝酒. * I've got into the habit of switching on the TV as soon as I gethome. 我已养成一到家就打开电视机的习惯. break sb/oneself of a habit succeed in getting sb/oneself to give a habit up 使某人[自己]改掉某种习惯. a creature of habit => creature. fall/get into bad `habits acquire bad habits 养成坏习惯. fall/get out of the habit of doing sth lose the habit of doing sth 去掉做某事的习惯: I've got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast. 我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯. force of `habit => force1. kick the habit => kick1. make a habit/practice of sth/doing sth develop the habit of (doing) sth 形成做某事的习惯: I make a habit of never lending money to strangers. 我自己立下个规矩, 从来不把钱借给生人. |