[/hɔːl; hɔl/] n 用法: 1 (also `hallway) [C] space or passage on the inside of the main entrance or front door of a building 门厅; 正门走廊: Leave your coat in the hall. 把你的大衣放在门厅里. 用法: 2 [C] building or large room for meetings, meals, concerts, etc 开会、 用餐、 音乐演出等用的建筑物或厅堂: the Town `Hall 市政厅 * `dance halls 舞厅. 用法: 3 (a) [C] = hall of residence. (b) [U] (in colleges at some English universities) large room for meals (英国一些大学各学院的)食堂: dine in hall 在学院食堂用餐. 用法: 4 [C] (in England) large country house, esp one that belongs to the chief landowner in the district (英国)大的庄园府第(尤指属於该地区最大之地主者). 用法: 5 (idm 习语) Liberty Hall => liberty. |