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单词 hammer 1
释义 [/ˈhæmə(r); ˋhæmɚ/] n

1 [C] tool with a heavy metal head at right angles to the handle, used for breaking things, driving nails in, etc 锤子; 榔头. =>illus 见插图.

2 [C] any of the parts of a piano that strike the strings (钢琴的)音锤.

3 [C] part of the firing device of a gun that explodes the charge (枪炮的)击铁(为引爆装置之一部分).

4 [C] instrument like a small wooden hammer used by an auctioneer to indicate with a rap that an article is sold (拍卖人用的)小木槌.

5 (a) [C] (in athletics) metal ball attached to a wire for throwing (体育)链球.
(b) the hammer [sing] event in which this is thrown 掷链球比赛.

6 [C] (anatomy 解) bone in the ear (耳的)锤骨.

7 (idm 习语) be/go at it/each other `hammer and `tongs (of two people) argue or fight violently and noisily (指两人)激烈地争吵或打斗:
We could hear the neighbours going at each other hammer and tongs. 我们可以听见邻居大吵大闹的声音. come/go under the `hammer be sold at auction 被拍卖:
This painting came under the hammer at Christie's today. 这幅画今天由克里斯蒂拍卖行拍卖了. hammer 2
[/ˈhæmə(r); ˋhæmɚ/] v

1 [I, Ip, Tn] hit or beat (sth) with a hammer or as if with a hammer 锤打或似用锤般敲打(某物):
I could hear him hammering (away) in the house next door. 我可以听见他在隔壁屋子里(不停地)锤打东西. *
hammer a sheet of copper 把铜片锤平.

2 [Ipr] ~ at/on sth strike sth loudly 打击某物发出大的声音:
hammer at the door, ie with one's fists, a stick, etc 咚咚敲门(用拳头、 棍棒等) *
He hammered on the table with his fist. 他用拳头擂打桌子.

3 [Tn] (infml) defeat (sb) utterly 彻底击败(某人):
Manchester United were hammered 5-1. 曼彻斯特联队以1比5惨败.

4 [phr v] hammer away at sth work hard at sth 努力做某事:
hammer away at a difficult problem 刻苦钻研一难题. hammer sth down, off, etc cause sth to fall down, etc by hammering 把某物锤倒、 锤掉等:
hammer the door down 将门锤倒. hammer sth flat, straight, etc make sth flat, etc by hammering 把某物锤平、 锤直等. hammer sth home (a) hammer (a nail) in fully 把(钉子)锤打到位.
(b) stress (a point, an argument, etc) so that it is fully understood 强调(某一点、 某一论点等). hammer sth in force sth inwards by hammering 用锤将某物敲入:
hammer a nail in/hammer in a nail 钉钉子. hammer sth into sb force sb to learn sth by repeating it many times 向某人反覆灌输某事物:
They have had English grammar hammered into them. 他们强制自己反覆学习英语语法. hammer sth into sth (a) force sth to enter sth by hammering 将某物敲进或钉进某处:
hammer a nail into a wall 把钉子敲进墙里.
(b) fashion sth by hammering (esp metal) 把某物(尤指金属)锤成某种形状:
hammer copper into pots and pans 把铜板锻造成罐子和盆子. hammer sth out (a) remove (a dent, etc) by hammering 用锤敲去(凹痕等).
(b) devise (a plan, solution, etc):
achieve sth by great effort 想出(方案、 解决办法等); 竭力做成某事:
After much discussion the negotiators hammered out a compromise settlement. 双方经多次谈判达成一项折衷的解决办法.





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