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单词 hard 1
释义 [/hɑːd; hɑrd/] adj (-er, -est)

1 not soft or yielding to the touch or easily cut; solid; firm 硬的; 坚实的; 坚固的:
ground made hard by frost 冻硬的土地 *
Their bodies were hard and muscular after much training. 他们经过长期锻炼, 身体又结实又强壮. Cf 参看 soft.

2 ~ (for sb) (to do sth) difficult to do or understand or answer; not easy 难做的; 难懂的; 难答的; 困难的:
a hard task, book, language 艰巨的任务、 难读的书、 难学的语言 *
She found it hard to decide. 她感到难以决定. *
Whether it's true or not is hard to tell. 很难说究竟是真的还是假的. *
It's hard for old people to change their ways. 老年人很难改变自己的习惯. *
You are hard to please/a hard person to please. 你这个人, 很难讨你欢心[是个很难讨你好的人].

3 (a) requiring much effort of body or mind; tough 费力的; 费神的; 艰难的:
It's hard work shifting snow. 清除积雪是很吃力的工作. *
Some hard bargaining is called for. 需要进行艰难的谈判. *
We must take a hard look at our finances. 我们应该密切注意财务问题.
(b) [attrib 作定语] showing much effort; energetic辛苦的; 努力的:
a hard worker 努力工作的人.
(C) of or like a strict or extreme political faction (政治斗争中)持强硬态度的, 不妥协的, 不让步的:
the hard left/right 持强硬态度的左派[右派].

4 forceful; violent; harsh 有力的; 猛烈的; 严厉的:
hard knocks 猛烈的打击 *
hard words 严厉的言辞.

5 causing unhappiness, discomfort or pain; difficult to endure 困苦的; 难以忍受的:
have a hard childhood 童年生活很艰苦 *
be given/have a hard time, ie experience difficulties, misfortunes, etc 过苦日子(经受艰难, 不幸等) *
in these hard times, ie when life is difficult because of poverty, unemployment, etc 当此困苦时期(由於贫穷、 失业等原因而感到生计艰难的时期).

6 (of the weather) severe (指天气)凛冽的:
a hard winter/frost 严冬[寒].

7 (esp of a person) unfeeling; unsympathetic; harsh (尤指人)硬心肠的, 冷酷无情的, 严厉的:
a hard father, ie one who treats his children severely 严父.

8 (of sounds or colours) unpleasant to the ear or eye; harsh (指声音)刺耳的; (指色彩)刺目的:
a hard voice 刺耳的声音.

9 (of consonants) sounding sharp, not soft (指辅音)硬音的:
The letter `g' is hard in `gun' and soft in `gin'. g这个字母在gun字中是硬音, 在gin字中是软音.

10 (of drinks) strongly alcoholic (指酒)酒精含量高的:
hard liquor 烈酒 *
(joc 谑) a drop of the hard stuff, ie alcoholic drink 一点酒.

11 (idm 习语) be hard on sb (a) treat or criticize sb severely 严格对待或严厉批评某人:
Don't be too hard on her she's very young. 别对她太严了--她还小呢.
(b) be unfair to sb 对某人不公平:
The new law is a bit hard on those who were born abroad. 新法令对那些在国外出生的人有点不够公平. drive a hard bargain => drive1. ,hard and `fast (of rules, etc) that cannot be altered to fit special cases; inflexible (指规则等)不能变通的, 不容更改的:
hard and fast regulations, categories 硬性的规章制度、 分类方法 *
This distinction isn't hard and fast. 这样的分类并非是一成不变的. (as) hard as `nails (of a person) without sentiment or sympathy; hard-hearted (指人)冷酷无情的, 铁石心肠的. (as) hard as `stone very hard or firm 极硬的; 坚如磐石的:
The ground is as hard as stone after the drought. 长期乾旱之後土地硬得就像石头一样. hard `at it working hard 努力工作. hard `facts accurate information, not expressions of opinion, etc 客观事实(而不是意见、 看 法等). hard `going difficult to understand or enjoy; boring 难懂的; 难欣赏的; 令人厌烦的:
I'm finding this book very hard going. 我觉得这本书十分难懂. hard `lines; hard, etc luck (on sb) (infml) (used as anexclamation or a sympathetic comment on sb's misfortune用作叹词或当提及某人的不幸时用以表示同情):
You failed your driving test, I hear hard lines! 听说你驾驶执照考试没及格--真不走运! *
Its hard luck on those who were beaten in the first round of the competition.那些在第一轮比赛中就遭到失败的人真倒霉. a hard-`luck story version of events told by sb wanting sympathy (为博取同情而诉说的)不幸事. a hard/tough nut to crack => nut. ,hard of `hearing rather deaf 听觉不灵的:
TV subtitles for the hard of hearing 电视中为听力差的观众加设的字幕. the hard/soft sell => sell n. hard to `take difficult to accept without annoyance, grief or bitterness (令人气恼、 悲伤或痛苦因而)难以接受的:
I find his attitude very hard to take. 我觉得他的态度实在难以忍受. the `hard way using the most difficult or least convenient method to do or achieve sth 采用最困难或最麻烦的方法(做或实现某事物):
do sth/find out/learn/grow up the hard way 以吃力的方式或以高昂的代价做某事[调查/学习/成长]. make hard `work of sth make an activity seem more difficult than it is 用笨法子做某事. no hard `feelings no resentment or bitterness 没有嫌隙; 没有恶感:
We were enemies once, but there are no hard feelings between us now. 我们曾经是仇人, 但现在彼此已不存芥蒂. play hard to `get (infml) try to increase one's status and desirability by not readily accepting an offer or invitation,esp from the opposite sex 不轻易接受别人(尤指异性)给予的好处或邀请以提高身价. take a hard line (on/over sth) remain fixed and uncompromising in one's attitude, policy, etc 奉行强硬路线; 持强硬态度. too much like hard `work (of an activity) too demanding or wearisome to undertake (指活动)太费劲, 太累人:
I don't want to go for a walk on such a hot day it's too much like hard work for me. 我不想在这样的大热天里去散步--我简直吃不消. > hardness n [U]. hard 2
[/hɑːd; hɑrd/] adv

1 with great effort, energy or concentration; strenuously; intently 努力地; 费劲地; 费神地; 辛苦地; 热切地:
work, think, pull, push, etc hard 努力工作、 悉心思考、 用力拉、 使劲推 *
try hard to succeed 争取成功.

2 with difficulty; with a struggle 困难地; 辛劳地:
enjoy a hard-earned rest 享受以辛勤工作赢得的喘息机会 *
Our victory was hard won. 我们的胜利来之不易.

3 severely; heavily 严重的; 猛烈的:
freezing/raining/snowing hard 严寒[下大雨/下大雪].

4 at a sharp angle 呈锐角:
Turn hard left. 向左急转.

5 (idm 习语) be hard `put (to it) (to do sth) find it difficult 难以:
He was hard put (to it) to explain her disappearance. 他难以说明她为什麽不见了. be hard `up be short of money 缺钱. be hard up for sth have too few of sth; need sth 缺少某事物; 需要某事物:
He's hard up for ideas. 他没有主意. die hard => die2. hard by (sth) (arch 古) near by 在附近:
,hard by the `river 在河边 *
There was an inn hard `by. 附近有个客栈. hard `done by unfairly treated 受到不当的或不公正的对待:
She feels (she's been) rather hard done by. 她觉得(自己)有点委屈. hard on sth (fml 文) soon after sth 紧接某事物之後:
His death followed hard on hers. 他在她死後不久也死了. hard on sb's `heels closely following sb 紧跟某人:
He ran ahead, with the others hard on his heels. 他在前面跑, 其他人紧随其後. hit sb/sth hard => hit1. take sth hard be very grieved or upset by sth 因某事而极度悲伤或烦恼:
When their child died they took it very hard. 他们的孩子死时他们痛苦不堪.





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