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单词 holiday 1
释义 [/ˈhɔlədeɪ; ˋhɑləˏde/] n

1 (a) day of rest, recreation or festivity, when no work is done 假日; 节日:
Sunday is a holiday in Christian countries. 在基督教国家中星期天是假日.
(b) (esp Brit) (also esp US vacation) (often pl 常作复数) period of time away from everyday work, used esp for travel, recreation and rest 假期:
the school holidays 学校的假期 *
the Christmas holidays 圣诞节假期 *
We're going to Spain for our summer holiday(s). 我们打算去西班牙度暑假. *
I'm taking two weeks' holiday. 我正在休假两星期. *
I'm entitled to 20 days' holiday a year. 我每年有20天假期. *
[attrib 作定语] a holiday resort, brochure 度假胜地、 手册.

2 (idm 习语) a busman's holiday => busman (bus). high days and holidays => high1. on `holiday/on one's `holidays having a holiday 在休假:
The typist is away on holiday this week. 打字员本周休假. holiday 2
v (esp Brit) (also esp US vacation) [I, Ipr, Ip] spend a holiday 度假:
They're holidaying on the west coast. 他们正在西海岸度假. holiday 3
Holiday, vacation and leave all indicate a period of absence from work or duty. *holiday、 vacation、 leave均指不工作、 不上课或不值班的期间. There are differences between British and American usage. 这几个词的用法在英美之间有所不同.

1 Holiday is used in both Britain and the US to mean a single day without work because of a religious or national festival 因宗教节日或国家喜庆而停止工作的单日假, 英美两国均用holiday表示之:
Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries. 在伊斯兰教国家中星期五是假日. *
The shops are closed tomorrow because it is a bank holiday. 明天是法定假日, 商店停止营业. *
In this country New Year's Day is a national holiday. 在这个国家里, 元旦是全国性的假日.

2 Holiday is used in Britain and vacation in the US when talking about the regular period of time taken away from work each year 指每年中的例行休假期间, 英国用holiday, 美国则用vacation:
Where are you going for your summer holidays/vacation? 你打算去哪里度暑假? *
I was on holiday/vacation last month. 我上个月休假了.

3 In Britain vacation is used mainly for the period of time when universities and lawcourts do not work 在英国, vacation主要用以指大学和法院放假期间:
in Britain the long vacation is from June to October 在英国, 长的假期是从六月到十月.

4 Leave means permission given to an employee to be absent from work for a special reason *leave指雇员因有某种理由而获准的休假:
She's been given sick/compassionate/maternity leave. 她获准休病假[事假/产假]. *
They've refused him leave of absence. 他们不准他休假. *
He's taken unpaid leave for a month. 他请了一个月的停薪假.

5 Leave also means the period away from official duties of those working overseas, eg soldiers and diplomats *leave亦指派往海外工作的人员(如军人和外交人员)的假期:
He gets home leave every two years. 他每两年有一次探亲假.





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