[/ɪnˈdʌldʒəns; ɪnˋdʌldʒəns/] n 用法: 1 [U] state of being allowed whatever one wants 放纵; 纵容: a life of (self-)indulgence, ie gratifying oneself (自我)放纵的生活 * If I may crave your indulgence for one moment... 祈蒙俯允赐时片刻.... 用法: 2 [U] ~ in sth (habit of) satisfying one's own desires 放纵, 任性(的习惯): Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin. 他长期耽於恶习, 结果毁了自己. 用法: 3 [C] thing in which a person indulges 嗜好; 爱好: A cigar after dinner is my only indulgence. 饭後一枝雪茄是我唯一的嗜好. 用法: 4 (a) [U] (in the Roman Catholic Church) granting of freedom from punishment for sin (天主教会的)特赦; 赦免; 免罪. (b) [C] instance of this 特赦; 赦免; 免罪: selling indulgences 出售赎罪券. |