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单词 influence 1
释义 [/ˈɪnfluəns; ˋɪnflʊəns/] n

1 [U] ~ (on sth) power to produce an effect; action of natural forces 影响力; 作用:
the influence of the moon (on the tides), of the climate (on agricultural production), etc 月球(对潮汐)的作用、 气候(对农业生产)的影响.

(a) [sing] ~ (on sb/sth) (exercising of) power to affect sb's actions, character or beliefs through example, fear, admiration, etc 感化(力); 影响(力); 支配(力):
the influence of parents on their children 父母对子女的影响 *
have a good, bad, beneficial, harmful, civilizing, pernicious, etc influence on sb's behaviour, character, etc 对某人行为、 性格等有良好的、 恶劣的、 有利的、 有害的、 感化性的、 邪恶的...影响 *
a young ruler under the influence of his chief minister 受总理大臣左右的年轻统治者 *
escape sb's influence 避开某人的势力范围.
(b) [C] ~ (on sb/sth) person, fact, etc that exercises such power 有影响的人或事物:
Those so-called friends of hers are a bad influence on her. 她那些所谓的朋友对她的影响很坏. *
Religion has been an influence for good in her life. 宗教信仰一直引导她向善. *
We are subject to many influences. 我们都受著多方的影响. *
The influences at work in this case (ie factors causing it to develop in a particular way) are hard to disentangle. 在此事中起作用的种种因素很难缕析得清楚.

3 [U] ~ (over sb/sth) power to control sb's behaviour 支配力; 控制力:
His parents no longer have any real influence over him. 他的父母对他不再有任何真正的约束力了.

4 [U] ~ (with sb) ability to obtain favourable treatment from sb, usu by means of acquaintance, status, wealth, etc 权力; 势力; 权势:
use one's influence (with sb) 利用(与某人的关系的)影响力 *
She has great influence with the manager and could no doubt help you. 她对经理很有影响力, 无疑能帮你忙.

5 (idm 习语) under the `influence (of `alcohol) (fml or joc 文或谑) (showing signs of) having had too much to drink 酒喝得太多; 有点醉:
be charged with driving under the influence 被控酒後开车. influence 2

1 [Tn] have an effect or influence on (sb/sth); cause (sb/sth) to act, behave, think, etc in a particular way 影响(某人[某事物]); 对(某人[某事物])起作用:
the belief of astrologers that planets influence human character 星相家认为星体能影响人的性格的信念 *
I don't want to influence you either way, so I won't tell you my opinion. 我不想对你有任何影响, 所以我不告诉你我的看法. *
It's clear that her painting has been influenced by Picasso. 她的画显然受了毕加索的影响.

2 [Cn.t] cause or persuade (sb) to do sth 支配或左右(某人)做某事:
What influenced you to behave like that? 你是受了什麽支配而那样做的?





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