[/ɪnˈsensəbl; ɪnˋsɛnsəbl/] adj (fml 文) 用法: 1 unconscious as the result of injury, illness, etc (因伤、 病等)昏迷不醒的, 失去知觉的: knocked insensible by a falling rock 被落石击中而失去知觉. 用法: 2 [pred 作表语] ~ (of sth) without knowledge (of sth); unaware 一无所知; 未觉察到: be insensible of (one's) danger 对(自己)面临的危险懵然无知 * I'm not insensible how much I owe to your help. 你帮了我这许多忙, 我不是不知道的. 用法: 3 [pred 作表语] ~ (to sth) not able to feel (sth); insensitive(2) 无知觉; 无感觉: insensible to pain, cold, etc 对疼痛、 寒冷等无感觉. 用法: 4 [attrib 作定语] (of changes) too small or gradual to be noticed; imperceptible (指变化)(因细微或缓慢)不易觉察的, 感觉不到的: by insensible degrees 不知不觉地. |