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单词 interval
释义 [/ˈɪntəvl; ˋɪntɚvl/] n

1 ~ (between sth) (a) time between two events (两事件中的)间隔时间:
the interval between a flash of lightning and the sound of thunder 闪电和雷声之间的间隙 *
go out, and return after an interval of half an hour 出去, 隔半小时再回来.
(b) space between two or more things (物体之间的)间隔空间:
They planted trees in the intervals between the houses. 他们在房子与房子之间种上了树.

2 (Brit) short period of time separating parts of a play, film, concert, etc (戏剧、 电影、 音乐会等的)幕间休息, 中间休息:
an interval of 15 minutes after the second act 第二幕之後的十五分钟幕间休息.

3 pause; break in activity 停顿; 中断:
an interval of silence to show respect for the dead 向死者致敬的片刻默哀 *
He returned to work after an interval in hospital. 他住院一段时间以後又回来上班了. =>Usage at break2 用法见break2.

4 (esp pl 尤作复数) limited period during which sth occurs (某事发生的)一段时间:
sunny/showery intervals, ie non-continuous periods of sunshine/rain 间中放晴[有雨]的一段一段时间 *
She's delirious, but has lucid intervals. 她神志昏乱, 但时而清醒.

5 (music 音) difference in pitch between two notes 音程:
an interval of one octave 一个八度音程.

6 (idm 习语) at intervals (a) with time between 每隔...时间; 间或; 不时; 时而:
At intervals she would stop for a rest. 她不时停下来休息. *
He comes back to see us at regular intervals. 他每隔一段时间就回 来看看我们. *
The runners started at 5-minute intervals. 赛跑的人每隔五分钟出发一批.
(b) with spaces between 每隔...距离:
The trees were planted at 20 ft intervals. 这些树是每隔20英尺栽种一棵的.





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