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单词 into
释义 [/ˈɪntə; ˋɪntə, before vowels and finally 元音前及句末读作 ˈɪntuː; ˋɪntu/] prep

1 (a) (moving) to a point within (an enclosed space or volume) 进入; 到...里面:
Come into the house. 到房子里来. *
Throw it into the fire. 把它扔进火里. *
go into town 进城 *
She dived into the swimming-pool. 她头向下跳进游泳池里. *
(fig 比喻) He turned and walked off into the night. 他转身走开, 消失在夜幕中. *
put money into an account 把钱存入帐户. Cf 参看 out of.
(b) in the direction of (sth) 朝; 向; 对著:
Speak clearly into the microphone. 对著话筒说清楚些. *
Driving into the sun, we had to shade our eyes. 车朝著有太阳的方向开, 我们只好遮挡著眼睛.
(C) to a point at which one hits (sb/sth) 触及或撞上(某人[某物]):
I nearly ran into a bus when it stopped suddenly in front of me. 前面一辆公共汽车突然停住, 我险些撞上. *
A lorry drove into a line of parked cars. 一辆卡车撞上了一排停著的汽车.

2 until a point during (sth) 在(某过程)中直到某一点:
He carried on working long into the night. 他一直工作到深夜. *
She didn't get married until she was well into middle age. 她步入中年以後才结婚. *
We're usually into May before the weather changes. 我们这儿的天气到五月份才有变化.

3 (a) (indicating a change in form as the result of an action 指因一行动而产生在形式上的变化):
turn the spare room into a study 把空房改成书房 *
cut the paper into strips 把纸裁成小条 *
fold the napkin into a triangle 把餐巾摺成三角形 *
collect the rubbish into a heap 把垃圾堆在一起. Cf 参看 out of.
(b) (indicating a change to a specified condition or action 指改变成某种情况或行动):
frighten sb into submission 威逼某人屈从 *
shocked into a confession of guilt 吓得承认有罪 *
She came into power in 1979. 她於1979年掌权. (See n entries for similar examples 类似示例见有关名词词条.)

4 (used to express division in mathematics 用以表示数学的`除'):
5 into 25 = 5. 5除25等於5.

5 (idm 习语) be into sth (infml) be enthusiastic about sth in which one takes an active interest 对某事物很有兴趣; 非常喜欢:
be (heavily) into yoga, science fiction, stamp collecting (极)喜爱瑜伽、 科幻小说、 集邮.





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