[/ɪˈregjulə(r); ɪˋrɛɡjəlɚ/] adj ~ (in sth) 用法: 1 not regular in shape, arrangement, etc; uneven (形状)不规则的; (安排)无规律的; 不平坦的: a coast with an irregular outline, eg with many bays, inlets, etc 曲折的海岸线(如有很多的海湾等). 用法: 2 not happening, coming, going, etc regularly; varying or unequal (发生、 来、 去等)无规律的; 变化的; 不均等的: an irregular pulse 不均匀的脉搏 * occur at irregular intervals 不定期发生 * be irregular in attending class 听课次数不定. 用法: 3 contrary to the rules or to what is normal or established 不规则的; 不合常规的; 非正规的: an irregular practice, situation 不合常规的做法、 情况 * keep irregular hours, eg get up and go to bed at unusual times 不守常时(如不於正常时间起床和入睡) * His behaviour is highly irregular. 他的行为很不规矩. 用法: 4 (grammar) not inflected in the usual way 不规则(变化)的: `Child' has an irregular plural, ie `children'. Child一词的复数形式不规则, 即children. * irregular verbs 不规则动词. =>App 2 见附录2. 用法: 5 (of troops) not belonging to the regular armed forces (指部队)非正规的. irregular 2 n (usu pl 通常作复数) member of an irregular military force 非正规军成员. |