[/ˈɪzəm; ˋɪzəm/] n (usu derog 通常作贬义) any distinctive doctrine or practice 主义; 学说; 制度: behaviourism and all the other isms of the twentieth century 二十世纪的行为主义及一切其他学说. -ism suff 後缀用法: 1 (with vs ending in -ize forming ns 与以-ize结尾的动词结合构成名词): baptism * criticism. 用法: 2 (a) (with ns forming ns 与名词结合构成名词) showing qualities typical of 表现有...的典型特徵、 特性或状态: heroism * Americanism. (b) (with proper ns forming uncountable ns 与专有名词结合构成不可数名词) doctrine, system or movement 主义、 学说、 体系或运动: Buddhism * Communism. (C) (with ns 与名词结合) medical condition or disease 病的状态; 疾病: alcoholism. (d) (with ns 与名词结合) practice of showing prejudice or discrimination because of 因...的偏见或歧视: sexism * racism. |