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单词 knock-up
释义 n [sing] (in tennis, badminton, etc) period of practice before a match (网球、 羽毛球等的)赛前练球:
have a quick knock-up 用很短的时间练球.
knock up
(in tennis, badminton, etc) practise hitting the ball before the start of a match (网球、 羽毛球等)赛前练球. knock sb up (a) (Brit infml) awaken sb by knocking on his door, etc (敲门、 窗等)叫醒某人:
Would you please knock me up at 7 o'clock? 请7点钟敲门把我叫醒行吗?
(b) ( sl 讳, 俚 esp US) make (a woman) pregnant 使(女子)怀孕. knock sth up (a) prepare or make sth quickly and without much planning 匆匆准备或做某事物:
Even though they weren't expecting us, they managed to knock up a marvellous meal. 他们虽然没想到我们要来, 但还是设法匆匆做好一顿丰盛的饭.
(b) (in cricket) score (runs) (板球)得(分):
knock up a quick fifty 击球後速跑得50分.




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