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单词 language
释义 [/ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ; ˋlæŋɡwɪdʒ/] n

1 [U] system of sounds, words, patterns, etc used by humans to communicate thoughts and feelings 语言:
the origins of language 语言的起源 *
[attrib 作定语] the development of language skills in young children 儿童语言技能的形成.

2 [C] form of language used by a particular group, nation, etc (集团, 国家等的)集团语, 地方语, 部落语, 某国语:
the Bantu group of languages 班图语系 *
one's native language 母语 *
a second, a foreign, an acquired language 第二语言、 外国语言、 後天学得的语言.

3 [U] manner of expressing oneself 表达方式:
His language was uncompromising:
he told them their work must improve or they would be fired. 他的话说一不二; 他告欣他们必须改进工作, 否则就予解雇. *
bad/strong/foul language, ie words considered improper, eg those marked in this dictionary 坏话, 骂人话, 下流话(粗鄙的词语, 如在本词典中标示者 *
everyday language, ie not specialized or technical 普通语言(非专门或技术用语).

4 [U] words, phrases, etc used by a particular group of people 术语; 行话:
the language of science, drug users, the courtroom 科学术语、 嗜毒者切口、 法庭用语 *
medical language 医学用语.

5 [C, U] system of signs, symbols, gestures, etc used for conveying information 传达信息的手势、 符号、 姿势等:
Music has been called the universal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言. *
the language of flowers 用花表达的信息 *
body, sign language 身势语、 手势语 *
This theory can only be expressed in mathematical language. 这个理论只能用数学语言来表达.

6 [C, U] (computing 计) system of coded instructions used in programming 语言:
BASIC is the language most programmers learn first. BASIC是大多数程序编制者首先学习的语言.

7 (idm 习语) speak the same language => speak.





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