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单词 leg 1
释义 [/leg; lɛɡ/] n

1 [C] one of the limbs of an animal's or person's body used for standing and walking 腿:
have long, short, straight, crooked, skinny, sturdy, bandy, shapely, etc legs 有长、 短、 直、 曲、 皮包骨、 敦实、 罗圈、 匀称等的腿 *
the powerful back legs of a frog 青蛙强有力的後腿 *
the long thin legs of a spider 蜘蛛细长的腿 *
a gammy (ie lame) leg 跛腿. =>illus at human 见human插图.

2 [C, U] this part of an animal used as food 动物的腿(用作食物):
a leg of lamb 羊腿 *
Would you like some leg or some breast (eg of turkey)? 你要腿肉还是胸脯肉(如火鸡)?

3 [C] part of a garment covering this limb 裤腿:
The leg of my tights has torn. 我的裤袜的裤腿破了. *
a trouser leg 一条裤腿.

4 [C] one of the supports of a chair, table, etc (桌椅等的)腿:
a chair with one leg missing 缺一条腿的椅子.

5 [C] (a) section of a journey 一段行程:
The last leg of our trip was the most tiring. 我们旅行的最後一段行程最累人.
(b) (sport 体) one of a series of matches between the same opponents (一连串比赛中的)一局, 一场, 一项.

6 [U] (in cricket) part of the field to the left of the wicket-keeper and behind the batsman (板球)三柱门守门员左方与击球员後方之间的场地:
long, short, square leg, ie fieldsmen at various positions there 在此场地远离击球员的、 靠近击球员的、 靠近三柱门的外场员 *
[attrib 作定语] a leg break, ie a ball bowled so as to move away from this side 在此场地反弹後离开此场地的球 *
a leg glance, ie a stroke by batsman that sends the ball there 击球员将球击入此场地的一击 *
the leg stump, ie the stump nearest this 三柱门中最靠近此场地的一柱.

7 (idm 习语) as fast as one's legs can carry one => fast1 adv. be all `legs (derog 贬) have legs that are disproportionately long and thin 腿过分瘦长. be on one's/its last legs => last1. be on one's `legs (joc 谑) (a) be standing, esp to make a speech 站著(尤指演说).
(b) (infml) (after an illness) be well enough to walk about (病後)康复至可以走动. Cf 参看 on one's hind legs (hind1). give sb a `leg up (infml) (a) help sb to mount a horse, climb a wall, etc 帮助某人上马、 登墙等.
(b) (fig 比喻) use money or influence to help sb 用钱或影响力帮助某人. have hollow legs => hollow. have, etc one's tail between one's legs => tail. ,leg before `wicket (abbr 缩写 lbw) (in cricket) way in which a batsman may be out because of illegally obstructing, with a leg or some other part of the body, a ball that would otherwise have hit the wicket (板球中)击球员用腿或其他部位对可能击中三柱门的好球作违例阻挡而犯规出局. not have a ,leg to `stand on (infml) have nothing to support one's opinion, justify one's actions, etc (论点等)站不住脚; (对行为)无合理解释等. pull sb's leg=> pull2. shake a leg => shake1. show a leg => show2.stretch one's legs => stretch. talk the hind legsoff a donkey => talk2. walk one's legs off => walk1.walk sb off his feet/legs => walk1. leg 2
v (idm 习语) `leg it (infml) go on foot 步行:
It's no use, the car won't start we'll have to leg it. 没用了, 汽车发动不起来了--我们只好走著去了.





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