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单词 lend
释义 [/lend; lɛnd/] v (pt, pp lent [/lent; lɛnt/])

1 [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) (a) give or allow the use of sth temporarily, on the understanding that it will be returned 借出某物; 将某物借与(某人):
Can you lend me 5? I'll pay you back tomorrow. 可以借我5英镑吗? 我明天还你. *
I lent that record to John but never got it back. 我把那张唱片借给约翰了, 可是他再也没有还给我.
(b) provide (money) for a period of time in return for payment of interest 贷(款):
The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest. 银行竞相以低利率贷款. Cf 参看 borrow.

2 [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sth) contribute or add sth to sth 提供或增添某事物:
lend one's services 提供服务 *
lend the occasion a little glamour 给这一场合增添一点光彩 *
His presence lent dignity to the occasion. 有他出席这一场合就更形庄严. *
A little garlic lends flavour to a sauce. 调味汁中加点蒜, 其味益增.

3 [] ~ sth to sth (fml 文) make an event, development, report, etc more believable, significant, etc (used esp with the ns shown) 使事情、 发展、 报道等更加可信、 意义更大等(尤与所示名词连用):
lend credibility, credence, plausibility, etc to a report 使报道增加可信度、 可靠性、 接近真实的程度等 *
This news lends some support to earlier reports of a ceasefire. 这一消息印证了先前有关停火的报道.

4 (idm 习语) give/lend colour to sth => colour1. lend an `ear (to sb/sth) listen patiently and sympathetically (to sb/sth) 耐心而同情地听著(某人的话[某事物]). lend (sb) a (helping) hand (with sth) give (sb) help (with sth) (在某事上)帮助(某人). lend oneself/one's name to sth (fml 文) allow oneself to be associated with sth 参与某事物:
a man who would never lend himself to violence 决不参与暴力活动的人 *
She lent her name to many worthy causes. 她参与了许多有意义的事情.

5 (phr v) lend itself to sth be suitable for sth 适合於某事物:
a novel which lends itself well to dramatization for television 适合於拍成电视剧的小说.





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