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单词 line 1
释义 [/laɪn; laɪn/] n

1 [C] (a) long narrow mark, either straight or curved, traced on a surface 线; 线条:
a straight line 直线 *
Sign your name on the dotted line. 请在虚线上签名. *
Don't park on the double yellow lines, ie those painted at the side of a road in Britain. 不要把车停在双黄线处(在英国, 标於路边的). *
Draw a line from A to B. 从A到B画一条线.
(b) mark like a line on the skin 皮肤上的纹:
The old man's face was covered in lines and wrinkles. 那老人的脸上布满皱纹和褶子.

2 [U] use of lines in art 艺术中线条的运用:
Line and colour are both important in portrait painting. 线条和色彩在肖像绘画中都很重要.

3 lines [pl] overall shape; outline 轮廓; 外形:
the graceful lines of the ship 船的优美轮廓.

4 (a) [C] (usu 通常作 the line) (in sport) mark on the ground to show the limits of a pitch, court, race-track, etc (运动的)场地线, 终点线:
first across the line, ie in a race 第一个通过终点线 *
If the ball crosses the line it is out. 球越线即为出界.
(b) [C] boundary 界线; 边界:
cross the line (ie border) from Mexico into the US 从墨西哥越过边界进入美国.
(C) the Line [sing] the equator 赤道.

5 [C] series of connected defence posts, trenches, etc (碉堡、 战壕等连成的)防线:
the front line, ie that nearest to the enemy 前线 *
a safe position well behind the lines 远离前线的一处安全阵地.

6 [C] row of people or things (人或事物的)行, 排, 列:
a line of customers queuing 顾客排的队 *
lines of trees in an orchard 果园里成行的树 *
a long line of low hills 一长列小山.

7 [C usu sing 通常作单数] series of people following one another in time, esp generations of the same family 按时间顺序排列的人; (尤指)家族的世代, 家系:
a line of kings 历代帝王 *
the Stuart line 斯图亚特 家族 *
in the male/female line 父系[母系] *
descended from King David in a direct line 大卫王的嫡系.

8 (a) [C] row of words on a page of writing or in print 字行:
page 5, line 13 第5页第13行 *
The last two lines (ie of verse) rhyme. 诗的最後两行押韵.
(b) [C] (infml) letter 信; 便条:
Just a short line to say thanks. 只言片语聊表谢忱.
(C) lines [pl] words spoken by a particular actor 台词:
Have you learnt your lines yet? 你的台词背熟了吗?
(d) lines [pl] (in schools) punishment in which a pupil is required to write out a specified number of lines (学校中)罚学生抄书:
The maths teacher was furious and gave me 50 lines. 数学老师气坏了, 罚我抄书50行.

9 [C] (a) piece or length of thread, rope, etc used for a particular purpose 线; 索; 绳:
a `fishing-line 钓鱼线 *
Hang (out) the clothes on the line. 把衣服晾到绳子上去.
(b) (esp nautical 尤用於航海) rope 绳索; 缆索.

10 [C] (equipment providing a) telephone connection 电话线(路):
Our firm has twenty lines. 我们公司有二十条电话线路. *
I'm sorry, the line is engaged. 对不起, 占线. *
a bad (eg noisy) line 不良的通话线路(如杂音多).

11 [C] (a) single track of a railway (铁路的)铁轨, 轨道, 轨线, 线路:
The train was delayed because of ice on the line. 火车因铁轨结冰而误点.
(b) one section of a railway system (铁路的)段, 线:
a `branch line 支线 *
the main `line 干线 *
the second stop from Oxford on the Worcester line 在伍斯特线上自牛津开出之第二站.

12 [sing] course of action, behaviour or thought (行动、 行为或思想的)方向, 路线, 方针:
Don't take that line with me. 不要对我采取那种方式. *
I absolutely reject the management's line on this. 我断然否绝经理部门处理此事的方法. *
She always takes a Marxist line. 她一贯奉行马克思主义路线.

13 [sing] ~ (of sth) direction or course 方向或路线:
the line of `march (of an army, etc) (军队等的)行军路线 *
the line of `fire, ie direction in which guns, etc are fired 射向.

14 [C] system of ships, buses, aircraft, etc regularly moving passengers or goods between certain places (轮船、 公共汽车、 飞机等的)运输公司:
a `shipping line 航运公司 *
an `air line 航空公司.

15 the lines [pl] (esp in the army) row of tents, huts, etc (尤指军队中的)营地.

16 the line [sing] (a) (Brit) (in the army) regular infantry regiments (excluding the Guards) (军队中的)战列步兵(不包括禁卫军).
(b) (US) (in the army) regular regiments of all kinds (军队中的)战斗部队(包括各兵种).

17[sing] (in the army) double row of soldiers standing side by side (军队中的)二列横队:
attack in extended line 以展开的二列横队队形进攻.

18[sing] (a) department of activity; type of business 活动的范围; 行业:
He's something in the `banking line. 他在银行工作. *
Her line is more selling than production. 她搞销售而不搞生产. *
That's not (much in) my line, ie not one of my skills or interests. 那我可不(大)在行.
(b) type of product (产品的)类型, 种别:
This shop has a nice line in winter coats. 这家商店的冬装大衣很好.

19(idm 习语) all along the `line (infml) in every way; at every point 全部地; 到处; 全面地:
I've trusted you all along the line and now you've let me down. 我一直信任你, 可是现在你却让我失望. along/on the same, etc `lines in the way specified 以某种方式:
Could you write another programme on the same lines? 你能否以同样的方式再编写一个程序? *
The novel develops along traditional lines. 这小说的情节按传统方式展开. be in the firing line => fire2. bring sth, come, fall, get, move, etc into `line (with sb/sth) (cause sth to) conform (使某事物)按规范, 一致, 符合:
He'll have to fall into line with the others. 他早晚得和别人一致起来. draw the line at sth/doing sth => draw?2. drop sb a line => drop2. the end of the line/road => end1. get, have, etc one's `lines crossed (a) be unable to contact sb by telephone because of a technical fault (因技术故障)电话线路不通:
I can't get through the lines must be crossed. 我打不通电话--线路一定出故障了.
(b) (infml) fail to communicate with or understand sb else correctly 未与某人联系好; 误解某人. give sb/get/have a line on sth (infml) give sb/get/have information about sth 把某事的消息告诉某人; 获取某事的消息. hard lines => hard1. hold the `line keep a telephone connection open 不挂断电话:
Hold the line while I see if she's here. 请别挂断电话, 我去看她在不在. hook, line and sinker => hook1. in (a) line (with sth) so as to form a straight line with sth; level with sth else 与某物成一直线; 与某事物取平:
Place your right toe in line with your left heel. 把右脚趾与左脚跟排在一直线上. (stand) in/on line (US) in a queue 站队; 排队. in line for sth likely to get sth 有可能获得某事物:
She's in line for promotion. 她有可能获得晋升. in the ,line of `duty while doing one's duty在执行任务时. in line with sth similar to sth; in accordance with sth 与某事物类似或一致:
in line with the others/with the latest research 与其他的一致[根据最新的研究成果]. ,lay it on the `line (infml) talk frankly and openly 实话实说:
Let me lay it on the line I think you're cheating. 坦率地说, 我认为你在搞鬼. (choose, follow, take, etc) the line of least re`sistance the easiest way of doing sth 最省事的办法. (put sth) on the `line (infml) at risk 冒风险:
If this goes wrong your job's on the line. 这件事要是有个一差二错, 你就有丢饭碗的危险. out of `line (with sb/sth) (a) not forming a straight line 不成一直线:
One of thesoldiers is out of line. 有一名士兵没站齐.
(b) unacceptably different 出格; 越轨:
Our prices are out of line with those of our competitors. 我们的价格和竞争者的相差悬殊. read between the lines => read. shoot a line=> shoot1. sign on the dotted line => sign2. somewhere, etc along the `line at a certain stage during a process 过程中的某阶段:
He started off enthusiastically but at some point along the line boredom set in. 开始时他很热情, 但干著干著就产生了厌倦情绪. step out of line => step1. take a firm, etc line (on/over sth) deal with a problem or an issue in a firm, etc way 采取坚定...路线处理某事. take a hard line => hard1. toe the line => toe v. line 2
[/laɪn; laɪn/] v

1 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态:
Tn,] mark (sth) with lines 以线条标示(某物); 画线於(某物):
lined paper, ie with lines printed on it 印有横格的纸 *
a face lined with age and worry 因经年忧虑而多皱纹的脸.

2 [Tn,] form a line along (sth) 沿(某物)排成行:
a road lined with trees 树木成行的路 *
Crowds of people lined the route of the procession. 人群在行进线路沿途站成一排.

3 (phr v) line up (for sth) (US) form a queue 形成一排. line (sb) up (cause people to) form a line (让人)站成一排:
line up the suspects/get the suspects to line up 让嫌疑犯站成一排. line sth up (infml) arrange or organize sth 安排或组织某事物:
I've got rather a lot lined up (ie I'm very busy) this week. 我这星期有很多事要做. *
He's lined up a live band for the party. 他已为聚会安排了一个伴奏乐队. line 3
[/laɪn; laɪn/] v

1 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态:
Tn,] ~ sth (with sth) cover the inside surface of sth with a layer of different material 给某物安衬里; 做内衬:
an overcoat lined with silk 衬有绸里儿的大衣 *
fur-lined gloves 毛皮里儿的手套 *
Line the drawers with paper before you use them. 抽屉用纸垫好再用. *
The walls of the room were lined with books. 室内四壁摆满了书.

2 (idm 习语) line one's (own)/sb's `pocket(s) (cause sb to) make a lot of money, esp by dishonest or corrupt methods (使某人)发财(尤指来路不正).





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