[/ˈləukl; ˋlokl/] adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] 用法: 1 belonging to a particular place or district 地方的; 本地的; 地区的: Following the national news we have the local news and weather. 国内新闻之後是本地新闻和天气报告. * the local farmer, doctor, shopkeeper, etc 当地的农民、 医生、 店主等 * local knowledge, ie detailed knowledge of an area that one gets esp by living there 地方知识(尤指居住当地而知其详者) * She's a local girl, ie from this area. 她是本地姑娘. * a local train/bus, ie not long-distance 本地的火车[公共汽车]. 用法: 2 (esp medical 尤用於医学) affecting a particular place; not general 局部的; 非全身的: local inflammation 局部炎症 * Is the pain local? 是局部疼痛吗? local 2 n 用法: 1 (usu pl 通常作复数) inhabitant of a particular place or district 本地人; 当地人: The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers. 当地人对陌生人往往有戒心. 用法: 2 (Brit infml) public house, esp near one's home 当地酒店(尤指住处附近的): pop into the local for a pint 进附近酒店喝一品脱啤酒 * Which is your local? 你们邻近的酒店是哪一家? 用法: 3 (US) branch of a trade union, etc (工会等的)地方分会. 用法: 4 (esp US) local train or bus 地区的火车或公共汽车. |