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单词 loose 1
释义 [/luːs; lus/] adj (-r, -st)

1 freed from control; not tied up 自由的; 不受束缚的; 松开的:
The cows had got out of the field and were (roaming) loose in the road. 牛从牧场窜出, 在公路上自由自在(到处)走动. =>Usage 见所附用法.

2 (that can be) detached from its place; not firmly fixed (能)除下的; 不牢固的:
Be careful with that saucepan the handle's loose. 小心那个长把儿锅--把儿可松了. *
a rope hanging loose 松垂的绳子 *
a loose tooth, thread, screw 松动的牙齿、 线、 螺钉.

3 not fastened together; not held or contained in sth 未系在一起的; 零散的:
loose change, ie coins carried eg in a pocket 零钱 *
nails sold loose by weight, ie not in a packet 按重量零售的钉子.

4 not organized strictly 组织不严密的:
a loose confederation of states 松散的联邦 *
a loose symphonic structure 结构松散的交响乐曲.

5 not exact; vague 不精确的; 含混的:
a loose translation 不准确的译文 *
loose thinking 不严密的思想.

6 (a) physically slack; not tense 松弛的; 不紧张的:
loose skin 松弛的皮肤 *
have loose bowels, ie suffer from diarrhoea 腹泻.
(b) not tight or constricting 不紧的; 未收紧的:
a loose collar 宽松的衣领. =>Usage 见所附用法.

7 not compact or dense in texture 不致密的; 疏松的:
cloth with a loose weave 织得稀疏的布 *
loose soil 松土.

8 [esp attrib 尤作定语] (of talk, behaviour, etc) not sufficiently controlled (指言行等)不严谨的, 放荡的:
loose conduct 放荡的行为 *
lead a loose and dissolute life 过荒淫放荡的生活 *
a loose (ie immoral) woman 放荡的女子.

9 (of play in a game) careless and inaccurate (指比赛中的表现)不经心的, 马虎的:
some rather loose bowling, ie in cricket (板球中)漫不经心的投球.

10 (idm 习语) all hell broke/was let loose => hell. at a loose `end; US also at loose ends having nothing to do; not knowing what to do 无事做; 不知做什麽好:
Come and see us if you're at a loose end. 闲著的时候到我们这儿来坐坐. break `loose (from sb/sth) escape confinement or restriction 挣脱束缚或限制:
The dog has broken loose, ie got free from its chain. 那狗挣脱链子跑了. *
break loose from tradition 挣脱传统的束缚. come/work `loose (of a fastening, bolt, etc) become unfastened or insecure (指扣件、 闩等)松开, 不牢固. cut `loose (infml) act, speak, etc freely and without restraint (行动、 说话等)自由, 无约束:
He really cut loose and told me what he thought of me. 他单刀直入说出对我的看法. cut sth/sb loose (from sth) make sth/sb separate or free 使某事物[某人]分开或摆脱束缚:
cut a boat loose 砍断缆索放船行 *
cut oneself loose from one's family 摆脱家庭的束缚. have a loose `tongue be in the habit of talking too freely 说话太随便; 嘴不紧. have a screw loose => screw n. let sb/sth loose release sb/sth 释放某人[某物]:
Don't let that dog loose among the sheep. 不要放任那条狗在羊群中乱窜. *
Just close your eyes and let loose your imagination. 闭上眼睛, 海阔天空地遐想一番吧. let sb loose on sth allow sb to do as he likes with sth 放任某人做某事物:
I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers. 我不敢把比尔放到花园去--他会把花全都拔掉的. play fast and `loose (with sb) behave dishonestly or deceitfully 玩弄; 欺诈. loose 2
The adjective loose has several senses. 形容词loose有几个义项. Two of these are 1 `not tied up' and 2 `not tight' 其中两项是1未拴住的, 2不紧的:
The dogs are loose in the garden. 狗在花园里都没拴著. *
a tight/loose shirt, dress, belt, etc 紧身的[宽松的]衬衫、 连衣裙、 皮带等. The verb loose (also unloose) relates to the first sense and means `set free' 动词loose(及unloose)与第一义有关, 意为`使不受约束':
The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off. 防盗警报器一响, 警卫就放出了警犬. The verb loosen (also unloosen) relates to the second sense and means `make loose' 动词loosen(及unloosen)与第二义有关, 意为`使松开':
After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep. 他饱餐一顿以後就松开腰带睡著了. Note that the verb lose (pt lost, pp lost) is unconnected with loose or loosen. 注意, 动词lose(过去式lost, 过去分词lost)与loose或loosen无关. loose 3
[/luːs; lus/] v

1 [Tn] release (an animal, etc) 释放(动物等):
loose the dogs 把狗放开.

2 (phr v) loose (sth) off (at sb/sth) fire (a gun or missile) 放(枪); 发射(导弹):
Men were loosing off at shadows. 士兵向黑影射击. *
loose off a few bullets (at the enemy) (向敌人)射出几发枪弹. =>Usage at loose1 用法见loose1. loose 4
[/luːs; lus/] n (idm 习语) (be) on the `loose enjoying oneself freely 放纵; 放荡.
(in compounds 用以构成复合词) loosely 不受束缚地; 松开地; 不牢固地; 不严密地; 不精确地; 不紧地; 放荡地:
loose-fitting clothes.





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