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单词 low 1
释义 [/ləu; lo/] adj (-er, -est)

1 not high or tall; not extending far upwards 低的; 矮的:
a low wall, ceiling, tree 矮的墙、 天花板、 树 *
a low range of hills 低矮的冈峦 *
flying at a low altitude 在低空飞行 *
The sun is low in the sky. 太阳很低. *
a low brow, ie with hair-line and eyebrows close together 低前额(发线与眼眉靠得近者) *
a dress low in the neck/a low-necked dress, ie one leaving the upper part of the breasts and much of the shoulders bare 领口低的连衣裙(袒胸露臂的).

2 below the usual or normal level, amount, intensity, etc 低於通常或正常水平、 数量、 强度等的:
low wages, taxes, prices, etc 低的工资、 税率、 价格等 *
low temperature 低温 *
low pressure, eg of the atmosphere, of gas or water piped to houses, of blood 低压(如气压、 煤气或自来水压、 血压) *
low cloud 低云 *
The surrounding land is low (ie not far above sea-level) and marshy. 周围的地低洼而多沼泽. *
a low-density housing estate, ie one with comparatively few houses in the space available 低密度的住宅区(房屋较少) *
The reservoir was very low after the long drought. 久旱之後水库的水位很低了.

3 ranking below others in importance or quality (在重要性或质量上)低於或劣於其他的:
upper and lower classes of society 社会的上下阶层 *
of low birth 出身低贱的 *
low forms of life, ie creatures having a relatively simple structure 低等的生物 *
low-grade fuel 低级燃料.

4 vulgar or coarse 鄙俗的; 粗俗的:
low manners, tastes, etc 粗俗的举止、 低级趣味 *
He keeps low company. 他结交庸俗的朋友. *
low comedy, ie a crude form of farce 低级的喜剧 *
low cunning, ie immoral and selfish cleverness 下流的诡计.

5 (of sound or a voice) not high in pitch; deep (指声音)不尖的, 深沉的:
A man's voice is usually lower than a woman's. 男子的嗓音通常比女子的低.

6 not loud 小声的; 低沉的:
a low rumble of thunder 低沉的隆隆雷声 *
Keep your voice low. 要小声说话.

7 lacking in vigour; feeble or depressed 无生气的; 衰弱的; 情绪低的:
in a low state of health 身体虚弱 *
feel low/in low spirits/low-spirited 觉得情绪低落.

8 (of a gear) allowing a slower speed of a vehicle in relation to its engine speed (指变速器)低挡的:
You'll need to change into a lower gear when going up this hill. 上这座山时得换低挡.

9 (idm 习语) at a low `ebb in a poor state; worse than usual 处於低潮; 情况不佳; 比平时差:
Her spirits were at a very low ebb, ie She was very depressed. 她的情绪极度低落. be/run `low (on sth) (of supplies) be/become almost exhausted; have almost exhausted the supplies (of sth) (指供应品)几乎耗尽:The petrol's running low. 汽油快用完了. *
We're (running) low on petrol. 我们的汽油不多了. a high/low profile => profile. lay sb/sth `low (a) bring sb/sth into a flat or horizontal position 使某人[某物]倒下或平卧:
He laid his opponent low with a single punch. 他一拳就把对手打倒在地.
(b) weaken or destroy 使衰弱或毁灭:
The whole family was laid low by/with (ie was ill and in bed with) flu. 全家都因流感病倒在床上. low 2
[/ləu; lo/] adv (-er, -est)

1 in, at or to a low level or position 在或向低的水平或位置:
aim, shoot, throw, etc low 向低处瞄准、 射击、 投掷等 *
bow low to the Queen 向女王深深鞠躬 *
play low, ie play a card with a low value 打出低点数的牌 *
The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low (ie at low prices) and sell high. 做生意成功最简单的途径就是贱买贵卖.

2 not at a high pitch; quietly 低调地; 低声地; 悄声地:
I can't sing as low as that. 我唱不了那麽低的调. *
Speak lower or she'll hear you! 低点声说, 要不她就听见了!

3 (idm 习语) lie low => lie2. be brought `low be reduced in health, wealth or position (健康、 财富或地位等的)下降, 恶化:
Many rich families were brought low by the financial crisis. 很多富户都因那次金融危机而家道中落. high and low => high3. stoop so low => stoop. low 3
[/ləu; lo/] n

1 low level or figure 低水平; 低数目:
The (value of the) pound has fallen to a new low against the dollar, ie is worth less in exchange for dollars than ever before. 英镑兑换美元的比值已跌到新的低点.

2 area of low barometric pressure 低气压区:
another low moving in from the Atlantic 从大西洋西移的另一个低气压区. low 4
[/ləu; lo/] n deep sound made by cattle 牛叫声; 哞. low 5
v [I] make this sound; moo 作牛叫声; 发哞声.





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