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单词 loyalty
释义 [/ˈlɔɪəltɪ; ˋlɔɪəltɪ/] n (a) [U] being true and faithful; loyal behaviour 忠诚; 忠诚行为:
swear an oath of loyalty to the King 向国王宣誓效忠 *
Can I count on your loyalty? 你对我的忠诚能让我信得过吗?
(b) [C often pl 常作复数] bond that makes a person faithful to sb/sth 向某人[某事物]效忠的义务或约束:
We all have a loyalty to the company. 我们对公司都有效忠的义务. *
a case of divided loyalties, ie of being loyal to two different and often conflicting causes, etc 两面效忠(对常为对立双方皆效忠).




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