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单词 minor 1
释义 [/ˈmaɪnə(r); ˋmaɪnɚ/] adj

1 [usu attrib 通常作定语] smaller, less serious, less important, etc 较小的; 程度轻的; 次要的:
a minor road, eg in the country 辅助道路(如郊野的) *
minor repairs, alterations, etc 小规模的修理、 修改等 *
a minor operation, ie one that does not risk the patient's life 小手术 *
minor injuries, burns, fractures, etc 轻度损伤、 灼伤、 骨折等 *
a minor part/role in a play 剧中的次要角色 *
minor poets 不重要的诗人. Cf 参看 major.

2 (Brit dated or joc 旧或谑) (in private schools) second or younger of two brothers or boys with the same surname (esp in the same school) (私立学校中)(兄弟俩或同姓男生中)年幼的, 小的:
Smith minor 小史密斯. Cf 参看 major, junior 2.

3 (music 音) of or based on a scale that has a semitone above its second note 小调的; 小音阶的:
a minor third, ie an interval of three semitones 小三度(含三个半音的音程) *
a song in a minor key, ie one based on a minor scale 小调歌曲 *
a symphony in C minor C小调交响曲. Cf 参看 major. minor 2

1 (law 律) person under the age of full legal responsibility (18 in the UK) 未成年人(在英国为18岁以下).

2 (US) subsidiary subject or course of a student at college or university (大学中)副修科目. minor 3
v [Ipr] ~ in sth (US) (of a student) study sth as a subsidiary subject (指学生)副修某科.





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