adj 用法: 1 done, happening, published, etc once a month or every month 每月的; 每月一次的: a monthly meeting, visit, magazine 每月一次的例会、 访问、 刊物. 用法: 2 payable, valid or calculated for one month 按月支付的; 有效期为一个月的; 按月计算的: a monthly season ticket 月票 * a monthly income of £800 800英镑的月收入. adv every month; once a month 每月; 按月; 一月一次地: to be paid monthly 每月得到一次付款. n 用法: 1 magazine published once a month 月刊: a literary monthly 文学月刊. 用法: 2 season-ticket valid for a month 月票: A monthly is more economical than 4 weeklies. 一张月票比四张周票上算. |