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单词 mood 1
释义 [/muːd; mud/] n

1 state of one's feelings or mind at a particular time 心境; 情绪:
She's in a good mood (ie happy) today. 她今天心情很好. *
He's always in a bad mood (ie irritable and angry) on Mondays. 他每星期一情绪都很坏. *
His mood suddenly changed and he became calm. 他的情绪突然一变, 冷静了下来.

2 fit of bad temper; depression 发脾气; 情绪低落:
He's in a mood/in one of his moods today. 他今天闹情绪了.

3 (usu sing 通常作单数) way a group or community feels about sth; atmosphere (人群或社会对某事物的)心态, 气氛:
The film captured (ie described very well) the mood of quiet confidence at the hospital. 影片捕捉到了医院里沉著而自信的气氛.

4 (idm 习语) (be) in the mood for (doing) sth/to do sth feeling like doing sth; inclined to do sth 有做某事物的心思或兴致:
I'm not in the mood to disagree with you. 我没有心思跟你争论. (be) in no mood for (doing) sth/to do sth not feeling like doing sth; not inclined to sth 没有做某事物的心思或兴致:
He's in no mood for (telling) jokes/to tell jokes. 他没心情说笑话. mood 2
[/muːd; mud/] n (grammar) any of the three sets of verb forms that show whether what is said or written is considered certain, possible, doubtful, necessary, desirable, etc 式, 语气(以动词形式表现的三种语法特徵, 可表示确实、 可能、 怀疑、 必要、 愿望等语气):
the indicative/imperative/subjunctive mood 陈述[祈使/虚拟]语气.





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