[/ˈmɔtəu; ˋmɑto/] n (pl ~es) 用法: 1 short sentence or phrase chosen and used as a guide or rule of behaviour or as an expression of the aims or ideals of a family, a country, an institution, etc 箴言; 格言; 座右铭: My motto is: `Live each day as it comes.' 我的座右铭是: `有一天过一天.' * What's your school motto? 你们校训是什麽? 用法: 2 (esp Brit) witty remark or riddle or short saying printed on a piece of paper, esp inside a Christmas cracker 隽语、 谜语或谚语的纸签(尤指圣诞节彩包爆竹中的). |