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单词 next 1
释义 [/nekst; nɛkst/] adj [attrib 作定语] ~ (to sb/sth); ~ (to do sth/that...)

1 (usu with the 通常与the连用) coming immediately after (sb/sth) in order, space or time (在顺序、 空间或时间上)紧随(某人[某事物])之後的; 其次的; 下一个的; 邻近的:
the next name on the list 名单上的下一个名字 *
How far is it to the next (ie nearest) petrol station? 最近的加油站离此地多远? *
The next train to Manchester is at 10.00. 下一班去曼彻斯特的火车是10点整. *
The very next time I saw her she was working in London. 就在那次之後我又见到她时, 她正在伦敦工作. *
The next person to speak (ie who speaks) will be punished. 再有人说话就要受罚. *
The next six months will be the hardest. 以後的半年最困难. *
I felt a sharp pain in my head and the next thing I knew was waking up in hospital. 我觉得头部一阵剧痛, 等明白过来才知道自己是在医院里.

2 (used without the before eg Monday, week, winter, year to indicate the one immediately following 在Monday、 week、 winter、 year等词之前不用the, 表示随之而来者):
Next Thursday is 12 April. 即将到来的星期四是4月12日. *
I'm going skiing next winter. 我打算在即将到来的冬天去滑雪. =>Usage at last1 用法见last1.

3 (idm 习语) better luck next time => better1. first[/last/] next but one, two, three, etc => first1. as good, well, far, much, etc as the `next man as good, well, etc as the average person 与一般人一样好等等:
I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man, but this is going too far. 我跟别人一样喜欢开玩笑, 但这个玩笑太离谱了. the next world state that one is believed to pass into after death 来世; 来生; 下辈子. next 2
Compare nearest and next.试比较nearest和next这两个词. (The) next indicates`the following' in a sequence of events or places 在涉及事情或地方的顺序时, (the) next指`下一个':
When is your next appointment? 你下一次的预约时间是什麽时候? *
Turn left at the next traffic lights. 在下一个交通信号灯处向左拐. (The) nearest means `the closest' (of several) in time or place *(the) nearest是指在时间或地方方面(几个之中)`最接近的一个':
`When can I have my birthday party?' `On the Saturday nearest to it.' `我的生日庆祝会能在哪天举行?'`在离你生日最近的那个星期六吧.' *
Where's the nearest supermarket? 离这里最近的超级市场在哪儿? Notice the difference between the prepositions nearest (to) and next (to) 注意介词nearest (to)和next (to)的区别:
Janet's sitting nearest (to) the window (of all the children). 珍妮特(在所有的孩子中)坐得离窗户最近. *
Sarah's sitting next to the window (beside it). 萨拉坐在窗户旁边. next 3
[/nekst; nɛkst/] adv

1 after this or that; then 在这之後; 在那之後; 然後; 後来:
Who's next on the list? 名单上的下一个是谁? *
What did you do next? 然後你做了什麽? *
Next we visited Tokyo. 後来我们游览了东京. *
What comes next (ie follows)? 接下来是什麽?

2 taking the following place in order 其次:
The next oldest building is the church. 第二古老的建筑物是那个教堂.

3 (used after question words to express surprise 用於疑问词之後表示惊讶):
You're learning to be a parachutist! Whatever next! 你竟然学跳伞! 还想怎麽著!





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