释义 |
[/ˏɔfˈsaɪd; US ˏɔːf-; ˋɔfˋsaɪd/] adj, adv (sport 体) 用法: 1 (of a player in football, hockey, etc) in a position where the ball may not be legally played, between the ball and the opponents' goal 越位的; 越位: The forwards are all offside. 前锋都越位了. 用法: 2 of or about such a position 越位的: be in an ,offside po`sition 处於越位位置 * the ,offside `rule 越位规则. Cf 参看 onside. offside 2 [/ˏɔfˈsaɪd; US ˏɔːf-; ˋɔfˋsaɪd/] (also off) adj [attrib 作定语] (Brit) (of a vehicle, a road or an animal) on the right-hand side (指车辆、 道路或动物)在右侧的, 在右边的: the rear ,offside `tyre 右後轮胎 * the off front wheel of a car 汽车的右前轮. Cf 参看 nearside (near1). |