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单词 one 1
释义 [/wʌn; wʌn/] pron, det

1 1; one less than two; a single 1, 一(个); 单个:
I've got two brothers and one sister. 我有两个弟弟和一个妹妹. *
There's only one piece of cake left. 只剩下一块饼了. *
Book One, Chapter One, ie the first chapter of the first book 第一册, 第一章 *
One of my friends lives in Brighton. 我有个朋友住在布赖顿. *
One of the girls brought her sister. 那些姑娘有一个把妹妹带来了.

(a) (esp of periods of time) a particular but unspecified (尤指时间的段)某一(但非特指某时间):
one day/morning/afternoon/evening/night last week 上星期的一天[一个上午/一个下午/一个晚上/一夜] *
One day (ie At an indefinite time in the future) you'll be glad she left you. 有朝一日你就庆幸她离开了你. *
One morning in June... 六月的一个早晨....
(b) (used for emphasis and always stressed 用以加强语气, 必须重读) a particular (person or thing) 某(人或物):
The `one way to succeed is to work hard and live a healthy life. 成功的唯一途径是勤奋及过健康的生活. *
No `one of you could lift that piano, ie Two or more of you would be needed. 你们一个人谁也抬不动那架钢琴.

3 (usu fml 通常作文雅语) (used with somebody's name to show that the speaker does not know the person 用於姓名之前表示说话者不知其人) a certain(5) 某; 某个; 某位:
One Tim Smith (Cf 参看 A Mr Smith) called to see you but you were out. 有个叫蒂姆·史密斯的来过电话找你, 你不在. *
The author of the anonymous article turned out to be one Stanley Carter. 那篇匿名文章的作者原来是个叫作斯坦利·卡特的人.

4 (used with the other, another or other(s) to show a contrast 与the other、 another或other(s)连用表示对比、 对照或区别):
The two girls are so alike that strangers find it difficult to tell (the) one from the other. 那两个女孩儿像极了, 外人难以分清她们谁是谁. *
I see you add the egg before the milk. That's `one way of doing it, ie suggesting there are other and possibly better ways. 我看见你先加鸡蛋後放牛奶. 这是一种做法(言外之意, 可能有别的、 更好的做法). *
I'm sorry I can't help you. For one thing (ie As a first reason) I'm in a hurry, and for another I have a bad back. 对不起, 我帮不了忙. 一来我有急事, 二来我後背有毛病.

5 the same 同一:
They all went off in one direction. 他们都往同一方向走了. *
After the union meeting the workers were all of one mind, ie all had the same opinion. 工会开过会後, 工人们都心齐了(获得共识).

6 (infml esp US) (used instead of a or an to emphasize the n or phrase that follows it 代替a或an以强调其後的名词或词组):
That's one handsome guy. 那是个漂亮的小伙子. *
It was one hell of a match, ie a very good and exciting match. 那场比赛精彩极了.

7 (idm 习语) be all one to sb => all3. be at `one (with sb/sth) be in agreement (with sb/sth) (与某人[某事物])相同, 一致:
I'm at one with you/We are at one on this subject, ie Our opinions are the same. 在这个问题上我和你[我们]意见一致. get one over sb/sth (infml) gain an advantage over sb/sth 胜於或优於某人[某事物]:
They got one over us in the end by deciding to speak in German. 他们决定说德语, 终於略胜我们一筹. get sth in `one (infml) immediately be able to give an explanation, solve a problem, etc 马上能作出解释、 解决问题等:
`We have to attract younger customers.' `Exactly, you've got it in one!' `我们得设法吸引年轻顾客.'`太对了, 你真是一语中的!' I, you, etc/sb for `one certainly I, you, etc/sb 我[你/某人]就是:
I for one have no doubt that he's lying. 起码我就深信不疑他撒谎. *
Lots of people would like to come -- your mother for one. 很多人都愿意来--你母亲就是其中之一. (,all) in `one combined 合在一起:
He's President, Treasurer and Secretary in one. 他身兼会长、 司库和秘书三职. *
[attrib 作定语] the ,all-in-one first-`aid kit for everyday use 日用综合急救包. ,one after a`nother/the `other first one person or thing, and then another, and then another up to any number or amount 一个接一个; 相继; 陆续. ,one and `all (dated infml 旧, 口) everyone 人人; 每人; 大家:
A Happy New Year to one and all! 祝大家新年快乐! ,one and `only (used for emphasis 用以加强语气) only; sole 唯一的; 仅有的:
You have always been my one and only true love. 你一向是我唯一的真正的爱人. *
Here he is the one and only Frank Sinatra! 这就是他--独一无二的弗兰克·西纳特拉! ,one and the `same (used for emphasis 用以加强语气) the same 同一个; 完全一样; 完全一回事:
One and the same idea occurred to each of them. 他们都产生同样的想法. `one by `one individually in order 一个一个地; 逐一:
go through the items on a list one by one 逐个处理单子上的项目. ,one or `two a few 几个; 一两个:
One or two people can't come. 有一两个人不能来. one `up (on/over sb) having an advantage over sb; one step ahead of sb 略胜某人一筹; 领先某人一步:
Your experience as a sales assistant puts you one up on the other candidates. 你当过推销员, 这一经历就比其他申请人强. For the uses of one see the examples at five. 关於one的用法见five词条中的示例. one 2

1 the number 1 *1; 一.

2 (idm 习语) number one => number. one 3
[/wʌn; wʌn/] indef pron

1 (used as the object of a v or prep to avoid a and the repetition of a n 用作动词或介词的宾语以免重复a与名词):
I forgot to bring a pen. Can you lend me one? 我忘带钢笔了. 你借我一枝行吗? (Cf 参看 I can't find the pen I was given. Have you seen it?) *
I haven't got any stamps. Could you give me one? 我没有邮票. 你能给我一枚吗? *
There have been a lot of accidents in the fog. I read about one this morning. 这大雾天已发生了很多事故. 今天上午我就看到其中一宗的报道.

2 ~ of (used with a pl n preceded by a det, eg the, my, your, these, etc to indicate a member of a class or group 与带有限定词如the、 my、 your、 these等的复数名词连用, 指一类或一组中的一个):
Mr Smith is not one of my customers. 史密斯先生不是我的主顾. *
She's knitting a jumper for one of her grandchildren. 她正在给一个孙儿织套头毛衣. *
He's staying with one of his friends. 他现住在一个朋友家里. (Cf 参看 a friend of his) *
We think of you as one (ie a member) of the family. 我们把你当成家里人. one 4
n (never taking main stress 不重读)

1 (used after this, that, which or as a `prop-word' after an adj which cannot stand alone 用於this、 that、 which之後, 或用於不能独立使用的形容词之後作`代词'):
I prefer `that one. 我喜欢那个. *
Which ones have you read? 你读过的是哪些? *
Your plan is a `good one. 你的计画很好. *
I need a `bigger one. 我需要一个大的. *
Those shoes are too small. We must buy some `new ones. 那些鞋太小了, 我们得买几双新的. *
The chance was too good a one to `miss. 那机会真好, 不容错过. *
Her new car goes faster than her `old one. 她的新汽车比旧的那辆跑得快.

2 (used with a group of words that identify the person(s) or thing(s) being considered 与修饰所指的人或事物的词组连用):
Our hotel is the one nearest the beach. 我们的旅馆是离海滩最近的一家. *
The boy who threw the stone is the one with curly hair. 扔石头的那个男孩子是鬈发的. *
Students who do well in examinations are the ones who ask questions in class. 考试成绩好的都是上课爱提问的学生.

3 (idm 习语) a one (infml esp Brit) (used to show amused surprise at sb's behaviour 用以表示对某人行为感到有趣得出奇):
You asked your teacher how old she was? You are a one! 是你问老师她有多少岁的吗? 可真有你的! *
He is a one, your son. Never out of trouble! 你的儿子真是个活宝. 没有一会儿不惹麻烦的! the one about sb/sth the joke about sb/sth 关於某人[某事物]的笑话:
Do you know/Have you heard the one about the bald policeman? 你知道[听说过]那个秃头警察的笑话吗? one 5
In formal speech or writing the use of the nouns one/ones in senses 1 and 2 is avoided in the following cases 在正式的演说或文章中作1与2义的名词one/ones应避免用於下列情形:

1 After a possessive (eg your, Mary's), unless it is followed by an adjective 在表示属有关系的词(如your、 Mary' s)之後, 除非这类词後有形容词:
This is my car and that's my husband's. 这是我的汽车, 那辆是我丈夫的. *
(with adjective) My cheap camera takes better pictures than his expensive one. (与形容词连用)我的廉价照相机比他昂贵的照相机拍出的照片好.

2 When two adjectives indicate a contrast 在两个形容词表示对比时:
compare British and/with American universities (compare British universities with American ones is less formal) 试比较英国和美国的大学(compare British universities with American ones是较通俗的说法).

3 After these and those 在these和those之後:
Do you prefer these designs or those (more formal than those ones)? 你喜欢这些图样还是那些图样(比those ones来得文些)? One/Ones may be used after which, even in formal speech, to distinguish singular from plural 即使在正式的演说中one/ones亦可用於which之後以区分单复数:
Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? ie You can choose one or several of them. 这就是那些图样. 你喜欢哪一个[些]? (即你可以从中选择一个或几个. ) one 6
[/wʌn; wʌn/] n (used, esp pl, after an adj, to refer to a person or people not previously specified 用於形容词之後, 尤其是复数ones, 指前文中未曾限定的人):
It's time the ,little ones were in `bed. 小家伙们该睡觉了. *
pray to the ,Holy One (ie God) for for`giveness 祈求上帝宽恕. one 7
pron (fml 文)

1 someone 某人:
He worked like one possessed, ie someone possessed by a spirit. 他干活儿像著了魔似的. *
She was never one to gossip, ie who would gossip. 她可不说人闲话. *
He's not one who is easily frightened. 他不是动不动就害怕的人. *
John is one who must certainly be invited. 约翰当然是必须邀请的.

2 (idm 习语) (be) one for (doing) sth (be) a person who is good at, spends a lot of time on or enjoys doing sth 善於、 爱好或热衷於(做)某事物的人:
She's a great one for (solving) puzzles. 她是解谜能手. one 8
[/wʌn; wʌn/] pers pron (fml 文) (used as the subject or object of a v, or after a prep to refer to people generally, including the speaker or writer 用作动词的主语或宾语, 或用在介词之後泛指人们, 包括说话者或写作者在内):
In these circumstances one prefers to be alone. 在这种情况下谁都愿意独处. *
A little delay will give one time to prepare. 只要稍稍推迟些就有时间作准备了. *
One must be sure of one's facts before making a public accusation. 要先掌握实据才可公开指责. *
(US) One does not like to have his word doubted. 谁都不愿意别人怀疑自己的话.
(in compounds 用以构成复合词) having one of the thing specified 有一...的:
a one-act play 独幕剧 *
a one-piece swimsuit 一件式泳装 *
a one-parent family 单亲家庭.





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