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单词 open 1
释义 [/ˈəupən; ˋopən/] adj

1 allowing things or people to go or be taken in, out or through; not closed 开著的:
leave the door open 让门开著 *
The door burst open and the children rushed in. 门突然撞开了, 孩子们闯了进来. *
sleep in a room with the windows open 在窗户敞开的屋里睡觉 *
with both eyes open 睁著双眼 *
The dog escaped through the open gate. 那狗穿过敞著的大门逃走了.

2 [usu attrib 通常作定语] not enclosed, fenced in or blocked 敞开的; 未围起的; 未堵塞的; 开阔的; 空旷的:
He prefers open fires to stoves or radiators. 他喜欢用明火取暖, 不喜欢炉子或暖气. *
open country, ie without forests, buildings, etc 空旷的郊野 *
open fields 田野 *
an open stretch of moor 一片空旷的沼泽 *
crack open a nut 弄开坚果 *
break open a safe 破开保险柜.

3 [usupred 通常作表语] ready for business; admitting customers or visitors 营业; 办公; (顾客或观众等)可进入:
The banks aren't open yet. 银行尚未开始营业. *
The shop isn't open on Sundays. 这个商店星期日休息. *
Doors open (eg of a theatre) at 7.00 pm. 下午7时开门(如剧院). *
Is the new school open yet? 那所新校开学了吗? *
She declared the festival open. 她宣布庆祝会开始. *
He kept two bank accounts open. 他有两个银行户头可用.

4 (a) spread out; unfolded 伸开的; 展开的; 开放的:
The flowers are all open now. 现在花儿都开了. *
The book lay open on the table. 那本书在桌上摊开放著.
(b) not fastened; undone 未系住的; 解开的; 松开的:
an open shirt 没系钮扣的衬衫 *
a blouse open at the neck 敞领口的女衬衫 *
His coat was open. 他的大衣敞开著.

5 [attrib 作定语] not covered in or over 没覆盖的; 没遮掩的; 裸露著的:
an open car, ie one with no roof or with a roof that is folded back 敞篷汽车 *
an open wound, ie one in which the skin is broken or damaged 开放性创伤 *
He has open sores all over his arms. 他的胳膊上长著烂疮. *
an open drain/sewer 排水[污水]明沟.

6 ~ (to sb/sth) that anyone can enter, visit, etc; public 公开的;任何人都可以(进入、 参观等)的; 公共的:
an open competition, championship, scholarship 公开的比赛、 冠军赛、 奖学金 *
This garden is open to the public. 这座花园向公众开放. *
She was tried in open court, ie with the public being freely admitted to hear the trial. 她受法庭公开审讯.

7 (a) not kept hidden or secret; known to all 不隐秘的; 不保密的; 众所周知的:
an open quarrel, scandal, etc 公开的争吵、 丑闻等 *
the lovers' open display of affection 情人的坦诚示爱.
(b) willing to talk; honest; frank 愿意谈话的; 诚实的; 坦率的:
an open character 直爽的性格 *
He was quite open about his reasons for leaving. 他毫不隐瞒自己离去的原因.

8 not finally decided or settled 未做最後决定的; 尚未解决的:Let's leave the matter open. 这件事先悬著吧. *
Is the job/vacancy/position still open (ie available, unfilled)? 那工作[空缺/位置]还接受申请吗?

9 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of cloth, etc) with wide spaces between the threads (指布等)稀疏的, 稀松的:
an open texture/weave 稀松织法.

10 (idm 习语) be an open `secret be known tomany people, though not publicly or officially acknowledged已是公开的秘密:
Their love affair is an open secret. 他们的风流韵事是公开的秘密. be/lay oneself (wide) open to sth behave so that one is likely to receive (esp) criticism, etc 使自己易受(尤指)批评等:
Don't lay yourself open to attack. 不要让自己轻易受人攻击. *
You're laying yourself wide open to accusations of dishonesty. 你这样做就是让人指责你不诚实. be ,open to `offer/`offers be willing to consider a price to be offered by a buyer 欢迎开价:
We haven't decided on a price but we're open to offers. 价钱未定, 欢迎顾主开价. have/keep an open `mind (about/on sth) be willing to listen to or accept new ideas, consider other people's suggestions, etc 愿听取、 接受或考虑别人的意见、 想法等:
I'm not convinced your idea will work, but I'll keep an open mind for the moment. 我还没想通是否你的意见可行, 不过我先考虑一下. in the open `air not inside a house or building; outside 在户外; 在露天:
picnics in the open air 露天野餐 *
sleeping in the open air 露宿. keep one's `ears/`eyes open be alert and quick to hear or notice things 留心听[看]; 密切注意. keep an eye open/out => eye1. keep one's eyes open[/peeled/] skinned => eye1. keep open `house offer hospitality to visitors at all times 好客; 随时接待来宾. keep/leave one's options open => option. keep a weather eye open => weather1. leave the door open => leave1. an open `book person who is easily understood and very frank 直爽而容易了解的人:
His mind is an open book. 他胸无城府. open `Sesame (magic words used in one of the Arabian Nights stories to cause a door to open 《天方夜谭》故事中用以叫开门的咒语). an open sesame (to sth) an easier way of gaining sth that is usu difficult to obtain 可得到(通常指难以得到的)某事物的捷径或窍门:
Being the boss's daughter is not an open sesame to every well-paid job in the firm. 作为老板的女儿并不是获得本公司任何优薪职位的包票. open to sb possible for or available to sb ...可供某人取舍; 某人可有...:
It seems to me that there are only two options open to her. 我觉得她只有两种选择. open to sth willing to receive sth 乐於接受某事物:
open to suggestions 乐於听取建议 *
open to conviction, ie willing to be persuaded about sth 愿听取有说服力的不同意见. throw sth open (to sb) make sth available to everybody 使大家可接触或获得某事物:
throw the debate open to the audience 让听众参予辩论 *
throw one's house open to the public 敞开家门接待公众. wide open => wide. with one's eyes open => eye1. with open `arms with great affection or enthusiasm 热烈地; 热情地:
He welcomed us with open arms. 他热情地欢迎我们. open 2
[/ˈəupən; ˋopən/] v

1 (a) [I, Ip] become open; be opened 开; 打开; 张开:
Does the window open inwards or outwards? 这窗户是朝里开的还是朝外开的?
(b) [Tn,] cause (sth) to be open; unfasten 打开(某物); 使松开:
Open your coat. 你宽宽大衣吧. *
open a box, parcel, envelope, etc 打开箱子、 包裹、 信封等 *
She opened the door for me to come in/to let me in. 她开门让我进去. *
open the window a crack/fraction/bit/little, ie open it slightly 把窗户稍稍打开.

2 [Tn,] cut or make a passage through or opening in (sth) 穿过(某物)开辟通道; 在(某物)上开孔:
open a mine, well, tunnel, etc 开矿、 打井、 凿隧道 *
open a new road through a forest 开辟一条穿过森林的新路.

3 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (out) (cause sth to) spread out; unfold (使某物)展开, 铺开, 张开:
The flowers are opening (out). 花都开了. *
open a book, a newspaper, etc 打开书、 报等 *
open (out) a map on the table 在桌上摊开地图 *
Open your hand I know you're hiding something. 你把手张开--我知道你手里藏著东西呢.

4 (a) [Tn] start (sth) 开始(某事物):
open an account, eg at a bank 开户头 *
open a meeting, a debate, etc 开会、 开辩论会.
(b) [I, Tn] (cause sth to) be ready for business, admit users or visitors, etc (使某事物)开张, 营业, 开放:
Another supermarket opened last week. 上星期又有一家超级市场开张了. *
Banks don't open on Sundays. 银行星期日不办公. *
open a business, new shop, hospital, etc 开公司、 新商店、 医院等.
(C) [Tn] ceremonially declare (a building, etc) to be open 在仪式上宣布(某建筑物等)开始使用:
open a garden fete 在仪式上宣布游园义卖会开始 *
The Queen opens Parliament. 女王宣布议会开会.

5 (idm 习语) the heavens opened => heaven. open one's/sb's eyes (to sth) make one/sb realize sth that surprises one/him 使自己[某人]了解到意想不到的事物; 长见识:
Foreign travel opened his eyes to poverty for the first time. 他一到外国才初次见识到什麽是贫穷. open `fire (at/on sb/sth) start shooting 开火:
He ordered his men to open fire. 他命令士兵开火. open the floodgates (of sth) release a great force of emotion, destruction, rebellion, etc previously held under control 打开闸门(释放出感情、 破坏、 反叛等的能量). open one's `heart/`mind to sb express or discuss one's feelings or ideas freely 开诚相见; 倾心吐胆.

6 (phr v) open into/onto sth give access to sth; lead to sth; allow one to reach sth 通向某处:
This door opens onto the garden. 这道门通往花园. *
The two rooms open into one another. 这两个房间有门相通. open out (a) become wider; become visible 打开; 张开; 展现; 显示:
The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道. *
The view opened out in front of us as the fog cleared. 雾一消散景色就呈现在我们眼前了.
(b) develop (in personality, etc) (个性等)形成, 发展:
She opened out a lot while she was staying with us. 她与我们相处期间个性已强多了. open up (infml) talk freely and openly 畅谈:
After a few drinks he began to open up a bit. 他喝了几杯酒话就多起来了. open (sth) up; (a) (cause sth to) open (使某物)打开, 张开:
Coughing like that might open up your wound. 你那样咳嗽会把伤口震开的.
(b) (cause sth to) be available for development, production, etc (使某物)供开发, 生产:
New mines are opening up. 新矿正在开发. *
open up undeveloped land, new territory, etc 开发未开发的地区等 *
His stories opened up new worlds of the imagination. 他的小说开拓了想像力新天地.
(C) (cause sth to) beginbusiness (使某事物)开业, 开张:
open up a new restaurant开一家新餐厅 *
He never opens up shop on a Sunday. 星期日他的商店从不营业. open sth up unwrap, undo sth; unlock (a room, door, etc) 解开、 拆开某物; 打开(房间、 门等):
open up a package 打开包裹 *
open up the boot of a car 开开汽车的行李箱 *
open up an unused room 打开未用过的房间 *
`Open up!' (ie `Unlock the door!') shouted the police officer. `开门!'警察喊道. open (sth) with sth start with sth 以某事物开始:
The story opens with a murder. 这故事以一件谋杀案开始. *
He opened the conference with a speech. 会议首先由他致词.





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