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单词 or
释义 [/ɔː(r); ɔr/] conj

1 (introducing an alternative 表示选择关系) (用於陈述句中)或, 或者; (用於疑问句中)还是:
Answer yes or no. 回答是或者不是. *
Is it green or blue? 是绿的还是蓝的? *
Are you coming or not? 你来不来? *
Is the baby a boy or a girl? 是男孩儿还是女孩儿? Cf 参看 either...or (either).

2 (introducing all but the first of a series of alternatives 表示除首项事物外的选择关系) (用於陈述句中)或, 或者; (用於疑问句中)还是:
I'd like it to be black, (or) white or grey. 那个东西我喜欢黑 的、 (或)白的或灰的. *
Will you have tea, (or) coffee or lemonade? 你喝茶、 (还是)咖啡还是汽水?

3 if not; otherwise 否则; 要不然:
Turn the heat down or your cake will burn. 把热度调低吧, 要不蛋糕就要 胡了. Cf 参看or else.

4 (after a negative 用於否定词之後) and neither也不:
He can't read or write. 他不会看书也不会写字. *
They never dance or sing. 他们从不跳舞, 也不唱歌. Cf 参看 neither...nor.

5 (a) (introducing a word or phrase that explains, or means the same as, another 表示一词语对另一词语的解释关系或为其同义词语) 即, 亦即:
an increase of 50p, or 10 shillings in old money 增加50便士, 合旧币10先令 *
a kilo, or two pounds 一公斤, 亦即两磅 *
geology, or the science of the earth's crust 地质学, 即研究地壳的科学.
(b) (introducing an afterthought表示事後想到而添加的关系):
He was obviously lying or was he? 他显然在撒谎--是不是呢? *
I need a new coat or do I? 我需要一件新大衣了--需要不需要呢?

6 (idm 习语) either...or => either. or `else (a) otherwise; because if not; or(3) 否则; 要不然:
Hurry up or ,else you'll be `late. 快点吧, 要不就迟到了. *
You must go to work or ,else you'll lose your `job. 你得去上班了, 要不然就要失去这份工作了.
(b) (infml) (used as a threat) or something bad will happen (用以表示威胁)否则後果不妙:
Pay up or else! 快付钱, 要是不付! *
You'd better give me that book or else! 你最好把那本书给我--不给的话! or rather (used when making a statement more accurate or correct 说得更确切些或加以更正):
We stayed at my friend's house, or rather at my friend's parents' house. 我们住在我朋友家里, 说得确切些是在我朋友的父母家. *
He is my cousin or rather my `father's cousin. 他是我表弟--我是说是我父亲的表弟. or so (suggesting vagueness or uncertainty about quantity 表示含糊的或不确定的量):
There were `twenty or so, ie about twenty. 大约有二十个. *
We stayed for an `hour or so. 我们停留了一小时左右. or somebody/something/somewhere; somebody/something/somewhere or other (infml) (expressing uncertainty or vagueness about a person, thing or place 表示人、 物或地点的不确定的或含糊的情形):
He's a bank manager or something. 他是银行经理这类的人. *
I put it in the cupboard or somewhere. 我把它放在柜橱之类的地方了. *
`Who told you?' `Oh, somebody or other, I've forgotten who.' `谁告诉你的?'`啊, 有个人, 我忘了是谁了.' *
It's somewhere or other in the kitchen. 就在厨房的什麽地方. or two (after a singular n 用於单数名词之後) or more; about 或更多; 大约:
After a `minute or two we saw him. 一两分钟後我们看见他了. *
I haven't seen him for a `year or two. 我有一两年没见他了. whether...or; whether or not => whether.





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